Amos Tumma speaks gives advice, then tells a story of bowhead whale hunting long ago around 1918 or 1919, followed by a flood story, and speaks of traditional hunting weapons used long ago, and more.
Frank Kuptana is storytelling about his earliest memories of traveling alone with his mother who was packing him, of hard times and good times, of his mom remarrying, of the gatherings, games, visiting, and dances, of their homes built, of hunting,…
A Long Time Ago host John Holman airs Mark Imergak who is storytelling about starvation, cannibalism, and the Inuvialuit prediction of White people arriving, and more.
William Kuptana is telling stories that he heard from his grandfather and his parents as well as telling stories of what he also witnessed when he was young. Stories of dangerous men killing each other when warring and fighting over women, of…
Guy Hologak is storytelling about his grandfather Aligoitok who was stabbed to death in Ikaahuk and other stabbings and killing of other people long ago prior to White People and RCMP arriving.
Alexandria Elias interviews Susie Tiktalik about when she was a very young girl, about their culture and way of life long ago prior to European arrival. Part 1, to be continued.
Alexandria Elias interviews Susie Tiktalik who shares her personal life stories of when she just got married, prior to having her children. She then tells other stories prior to being married of summer gatherings, nomadic traditional Inuvialuit…
Alexandria Elias interviews Susie Tiktalik who shares her personal life stories when she was a young married woman of plentiful caribou and happy times and also speaks of various hardships and sufferings such as abandonment, births, deaths, the big…
Inuvialuktun host, Ishmael Suuyuq Alunik, introduces William Kuptana who is storytelling about his lifestyle when he was a young man, of when Inuvialuit gathered together including their traditional hunting and fishing methods prior to Whiteman…
Agnes Nigiyok is storytelling of the time when she was a young girl and adopted by her aunt and uncle. It was a time when there were no White People, of when they lived a traditional lifestyle, of when they still only used bows and arrows to hunt,…