A photo of three people dancing in front of a crowd of people in a gym. The photo includes: 1. Marie Jacobson, 2. Mary Ruth Kayotuk, 3. Jimmy John Meyook, 4. Marjorie Baetz, 5. Margo Meyook, 6. Priscilla Kayotuk, 7. Carol D. Arey, 8. Delma Kisoun, 9.…
A photo of five women wearing parkas and walking on a wooden sidewalk. Rhoda “Alak” Allen is second from left, and the remaining four women are unidentified.
A photo of COPE (Committee for Original People's Entitlement) president Billy Day (far right) and politicians Bob McQuarrie and Nick Sibbeston at the Annual General Meeting for COPE in Sachs Harbour.