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Collection: Aulavik Oral History Project Photo Collection
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Agnes Niriyuk, Margaret Lennie, and a Baby
A photo of Agnes Niriyuk and Margaret Lennie holding Arthur (?) standing outside of a house in Holman.
Andrew and Rita Banksland
A photo of Andrew and Rita Banksland as children, holding each other and standing by some barrels and a building.
Andrew Banksland
A photo of young Andrew Banksland dressed in traditional clothes and looking at the ground.
Angus and Mary Elias
A photo of Angus and Mary Elias standing on a boat.
Angus and Mary Elias, Agnes Niriyuk, and a Baby Girl
A photo of Angus and Mary Elias, Agnes Niriyuk, and a baby girl wearing traditional clothing and standing outside a tent frame.
Angus Banksland
A photo of Angus Banksland leaning on a bucket and smiling.
Banksland Children
A photo of Molly, Christine, Walter, and Andrew Banksland. One of the girls is looking at one of the boys who is putting is hand in his mouth.
Christine Banksland
A photo of Christine Banksland standing in front of a snow house.
Frank Kuptana
A photo of Frank Kuptana wearing traditional clothing.
Group by a Tent
A photo of eight individuals standing outside of a tent.
Jimmy and Nora Memogana
A photo of Jimmy and Nora Memogana sitting beside each other.
June and Andy Klengenberg
A photo of June and Andy Klengenberg and Agnes Niriyuk dressed in traditional clothing.
Kate Inuktalik, Agnes Niriyuk, and Margaret Igutaq (Ekootak)
A photo of Kate Inuktalik, Agnes Niriyuk, Margaret Igutaq (Ekootak), and Susie Quliq (in background) dressed in traditional clothing.
Mami Mamayauq
A photo of a smiling Mami Mamayauq (who worked for the Canadian Expedition) dressed in traditional clothing.
Martha Kudlak and Her Sisters Mary and Terry
A photo of Martha Kudlak and her sisters Mary and Terry, wearing traditional clothing and inside a house.
Nurasaq, Maggie Qiblaluk, and Roy Kungisuk
A photo of Nurasaq (Molly Goose), Maggie Qiblaluk, and Roy Kungisuk wearing traditional clothing and sitting beside a tent frame camp.
Philip Kuptana
A photo of Philip Kuptana wearing traditional clothing.
Roy Kungisuk
A photo of Roy Kungisuk standing beside a fur skin.
Timothy and Bessie Lennie
A photo of Timothy and Bessie Lennie dressed in traditional clothing.
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