Murielle Nagy and Agnes White interview Peter and Shirley Esau and they share and discuss personal life stories. Four people speaking all at once for some of the time. Shirley then shares stories from her younger days.
Inuit Nipait host Victor Allen is providing territorial elections voting results and passes on a message to the people from the newly elected leader Tom Butters. He then speaks to the elected leaders and sends greetings to family and friends in the…
Saturday Afternoon Inuit Show host Victor Allen airs Sam Raddi gving a COPE meeting update then Alice Thrasher speaks to family and friends and sends greetings. Victor provides regional news. Kane Tologanak speaks about community activities. …
Long Time Ago host, Ishmael Alunik is storytelling about historical tribal wars and conflicts, about European arrival with the government, the RCMP, the new religion and ministers, and residential schools, etc. He then tells another story of…
Alice Agnaoyak is storytelling of when she was a small child, of always going out hunting with her father, of hunting stories and more. Part 1. To be continued.
Alice Agnaoyak is continuing her stories of her younger days of polar bear hunting with her parents and her husband, of an airplane story, of food poisoning resulting in illnesses and deaths, and more. Part 3. To be continued.
Alice Agnaoyak is completing her final life story of their nomadic lifestyle when she was young, of being very fearful when she first saw people drinking alcohol, of when the Dewline was first starting up, and more. Final, Part 9.
Saturday Inuit Show host Rosie Albert provides regional news with various Elders sending greetings and speaking to family and friends, and Sam Raddi giving travel and meeting updates. Kenneth Peeleelook shares his memories of his trip and he and…
Cathy Cockney is interviewing Aliknak Banksland about his family genealogy with some help from an unidentified interpreter. Cathy also interviews Aliknak about he and his family’s lifestyles longago.
Cathy Cockney is interviewing Elizabeth Banksland about her family genealogy. Elizabeth also shares her mom’s heartbreaking story of childhood abandonment and survival as well as of starvation and cannibalism. Part 1. To be continued.
Annie Emaghok is sharing a story that her mother told her of the very challenging times that she has endured long ago as well as stories from when she was young. After a short period of silence, Betty Cockney’s storytelling was already in progress…
Frank Cockney is storytelling of his travels including to Aklavik where alcohol purchases were just opened to Indigenous people after initially only Caucasians were allowed to purchase alcohol from the Liquor store, of hauling stuff for Fred…
Frank Cockney is storytelling for future generations to hear. Frank is telling stories about when he started running his business, of the trials and errors of learning how to run a business, of trapping with Eddy, of his previous Heavy Equipment…
Shirley Elias and Murielle Nagy interview Jimmy Memogana about his lifestyle and his travels long ago, as well as stories from his younger days. Jimmy also sings a song in Inuvialuktun. They also discuss traditional place names.
Shirley Elis interviews Sam Oliktoak who also shares stories about his lifestyle and memories from his younger days. Note: At times there was a lot of background noise making it hard to hear including some traditional place names.