Agnes White and Murelle Nagy interview Olga and David Rolland about their life stories, of their histories, of their origins, their families, of their travels, and places they’ve lived, and much more. They also viewed maps and photographs while…
Agnes White and Murille Nagy interview Agnes Kayotuk about she and her family’s travels, places they lived, and their lifestyle long ago to her present lifestyle followed by an interview with Agnes Nasogaluak of her personal life stories and…
Agnes White interviews Edith Haogak about their families' traditional lifestyle long ago prior to European contact. Agnes White then begins storytelling and shares memories of her younger days.
Agnes White, who is speaking from Sachs Harbour, continues storytelling and sharing memories of her younger days. Note: The first half of the audio is a repeat of
Agnes White interviews Alexandria Elias who is storytelling about when she first went to Banksland as well as her lifestyle when she was younger. Part 1. To be continued.
Agnes White is interviewing Sam Dick about his lifestyle long ago, and about where he lived and traveled. Sam also shares memories and stories from long ago. Interview was already in progress.
Agnes White continues interviewing her mother about her lifestyle, her travels, and places she lived. Persis also shares more stories from long ago. Part 2. To be continued.
This is a video of Sandy Wolki telling stories about his life. He talks about the different places he and his family travelled and lived, and how they, and the other Inuvialuit, would hunt, trap, and live off the land. The last part of the video is a…
Radio host Ishmael Suuyuk Alunik airs Agnes Nigiyok who is telling the story of when they were sailing accross the ocean and got shipwrecked on the A Long Time Ago program.
Hester Adam is storytelling about her life stories of her lifestyle when she was younger, of who her parents and grandparents are, her siblings, of how and where they lived, their travels, and more. Part 1. To be continued.
Hester Adam is continuing her life stories of her younger days, of when she got married, of traveling for Christmas, of a young girl passing away, of trapping, and more.
Hester Adam is continuing her life stories from long ago, of hunting stories, of the Christmas Gathering at Ikaahuk (Sachs Harbour), of all the people going to the store, of the dancing, and more. Part 5. To be continued.
Buster Kailek is storytelling about their travels including traveling to Tuktoyaktuk getting supplies at the Hudson Bay, and the many schooners that were there, of their traveling challenges, of a child’s death, of hunting and trapping, of their…
Frank Cockney is interviewing Freeman Kimiksana about Inuvialuit nomadic seasonal lifestyle long ago, including discussions on schooners, the various storekeepers, about hunting, and the fun large gatherings of games and dancing. The recording…
Hester Adam is continuing her life stories of her lifestyle when she was younger, of their travels, of trapping, getting and sawing wood, getting ice, and more. Part 2. To be continued.