Murielle Nagy and Agnes White interview Peter Sydney about his lifestyle long ago, of his travels, and places he’s lived, and more. They also viewed maps while discussing the historical contexts of the the time of year, and the place names of the…
Murielle Nagy and Agnes White continue to interview Agnes Carpenter about her personal and Inuvialuit lifestyle long ago. Agnes shares more memories and stories of her younger days. At the 21:26 minute mark, it suddenly switches to an interview…
Murielle Nagy and Agnes White continue to interview Joe Apiana followed by an interview with Sarah Kuptana and Edith Haogak. They also view a map and discuss numerous Inuvialuktun traditional place names some of which are not listed in the Place…
Murielle Nagy and Agnes White continue interviewing Sarah Kuptana and Edith Haogak about their lifestyles and stories from their younger days. Note: audio sometimes is very low. Murielle and and another unidentified speaker are suddenly heard…
Agnes White interviews Edith Haogak about their families' traditional lifestyle long ago prior to European contact. Agnes White then begins storytelling and shares memories of her younger days.
Agnes White, who is speaking from Sachs Harbour, continues storytelling and sharing memories of her younger days. Note: The first half of the audio is a repeat of
Michael Amos is storytelling about when he and others were hauling freight to Ulukhaktok N.T. from Tuktoyaktuk, of their challenges, close call experiences during their boating journey, and stops along the way, on the A Long Time Ago program hosted…