Frank Cockney is storytelling of his trapping stories, of his travels with his family, of going to the store with his dogsled and purchasing dry goods, of caring for their dogs and dog teams, of his 10 to 12 year old son hunting small game, of…
Persis Gruben is sharing stories of the many changes she has witnessed in her life such as living a nomadic lifestyle out on the land to community permanent living, prior to European contact such as: the fast skidoos, of languages, of the…
Persis Gruben is describing the very different sights and scenery of her experiences of going to the city of Seattle, of a shooting incident, of the Inuit Tapirisat of Canada (ITC) first starting up, ships long ago and today, her thoughts regarding…
Elders AliceThrasher, Ruth Alunik, and Kenneth Peeloolook are speaking to and sending greetings to family and friends and Kenneth is also telling stories about how Inuvialuit people lived long ago, as early as 1902 and 1917. Emma Dick is also…
Saturday Inuit Show host Rosie Albert provides regional news with various Elders sending greetings and speaking to family and friends, and Sam Raddi giving travel and meeting updates. Kenneth Peeleelook shares his memories of his trip and he and…