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  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Qikiqtarr̂uk / Qikiqtaryuk (Herschel Island)"
Host of the A Long Time Ago program, Louie Goose airs Mark Noksana who shares his memories of his reindeer herding experiences. Mark speaks of when they were herding the reindeer from Alaska in the early 1930’s. Part 1, To be continued.
Inuvik, N.T. Elders Kenneth Peeloolook and Tommy Kalinek share their thoughts, opinions, and words of wisdom in regards to the new government and the natural gas pipeline followed by Inuvik Elder Madeline Smith sends greetings to friends and family…
Kenneth Peeloolook is sharing his memories of his younger days in Alaska and in Canada of his life experiences, part one. To be continued.
Kenneth Peeloolok continues his storytelling of he and his family’s travels and adventures when making their journey to Canada from Alaska, Part 4. To be continued.
Kenneth Peeloolook continues his storytelling of their travels, adventures, his caribou hunting experiences, large Inuvialuit and Inupiat gathering of dancing and games in 1902 and arrival of the White Bowhead Whalers, along with alcohol. Part 6. To…
Kenneth Peeloolook continues his storytelling of their move from Alaska to the Mackenzie Delta, in the Northwest Territories, Canada, of a millionaire called Crazy Guy, of mining for gold, shares his wisdom and advice on how to live well, and much…
Kenneth Peeloolook continues his storytelling from 1902 and 1921, of their travels, adventures, caribou hunting experiences, drumming, singing, and dancing, arrival of the White Bowhead Whalers, along with alcohol, mining, employment, and much more, …
Ivy Raddi is continuing her life stories and sharing memories of her younger days from Part 3. To be continued.
Agnes White and Murelle Nagy interview Olga and David Rolland about their life stories, of their histories, of their origins, their families, of their travels, and places they’ve lived, and much more. They also viewed maps and photographs while…
Olga and David Roland, Agnes White, and Murielle Nagy continue viewing and discussing the historical contexts and contents of the photos including, the year, and location of the photos, as well as sharing personal stories in Inuvialuktun and English.
Cathy Cockney is interviewing Edward Ruben in English about his family genealogy. Edward is also shares memories and stories from his younger days.
Elder Johnny Ruben is storytelling about how Inuvialuit people lived long ago, always busy preparing for hunting and fishing, and preserving food to last for the year, Christmas gatherings, and more.
Elder Johnny Ruben is storytelling about some Eastern Arctic families migrating west, a fatal illness, hardships, priests, Paulatuk starting up, as well as personal stories of his grandparents, and more. To be continued.
Mabel Steffanson is continuing to tell her life stories of her younger days of she and her family’s travels, of gathering eggs, fishing, a lot of deaths due to the big flu, of fun times, and more. Final, part 5. - Herschel Island- Cultural Study/Herschel Is- Cultural Study Interviews at Herschel Is-July-1990-YukonHeritageBranch.jpg
Taken during the Qikiqtaruk (Herschel Island) Cultural Study for the Inuvialuit Social Development Program.
Elder Amos Tumma is speaking about Inuvialuit way of life today compared to Inuvialuit way of living when he was younger. He shares his thoughts and opinions of the lifestyle changes he has seen over the years and shares his wishes and advice for…
Elder Amos Tumma is storytelling about some of his earliest memories of his family, others families, and stories from long ago of how he and other Inuvialuit lived, their struggles, hardships and survival during their travels on the A Long Time Ago…
Elder Amos Tumma is storytelling about his travels as early as 1913 as well as hunting and trapping stories, and more on the A Long Time Ago program.
Elder Amos Tumma is storytelling about several life stories of missionaries, bowhead whalers, drinking, shoot outs, White miners, murder, a comical weasal story, and more on the A Long Time Ago program.
Elder Amos Tumma is storytelling about Inuvialuit and Inupiat culture and way of life long ago before and after the arrival of the bowhead whalers, trading, and the trading post era on the A Long Time Ago program.
Elder Amos Tumma is telling stories from when he was a boy in the early 1900’s of when the European bowhead whalers would winter at Qikiqtarr̂uq and the events he witnessed. He also tells of a widow and her two sons who were always hunting and…
Elder Amos Tumma is storytelling about when boats were iced in, when bowhead whaling season was done, of their travels, of trapping and hunting, then continuing their sailing journey after the winter, and making their way to the trading posts to…
Elder Amos Tumma is telling stories of hunting, fishing, trapping, and his many travels and how he and others lived long ago as well as the many changes.
Elder Amos Tumma is storytelling about long ago Kittigaar̂ungmiut, Utqalungmiut, Qikiqarr̂ungmiut, and Uummarmiut culture and way of life long ago before and after the arrival of the bowhead whalers, trading, and the trading post era.
Amos Tumma speaks gives advice, then tells a story of bowhead whale hunting long ago around 1918 or 1919, followed by a flood story, and speaks of traditional hunting weapons used long ago, and more.
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