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  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Nunavut "
CHAK host Louie Goose introduces Susie Tiktalik being interviewed by Alexandrea Elias. Susie is telling Part 5 of her life story.
Saturday Afternoon Inuit Show host Victor Allen airs Sam Raddi gving a COPE meeting update then Alice Thrasher speaks to family and friends and sends greetings. Victor provides regional news. Kane Tologanak speaks about community activities. …
Elders Kenneth Peeloolook, Rebecca Chicksi, Ruth Alunik,Tommy Kalinek, Joe Nasogaluk Sr., and other Elders speak to family and friends and send greetings on the People Speak Inuit program.
Host Victor Allen and Sam Raddi are talking about the proposed CBC Radio Licence and the Oil Company Panarctic Community Consultations. Kitty Kuutuuk Rolland speaks to her younger brother Ir̂igaaqtuaq Old Archie then sings a First Nation Song. …
Saturday Inuit Show host Rosie Albert provides regional news with various Elders sending greetings and speaking to family and friends, and Sam Raddi giving travel and meeting updates. Kenneth Peeleelook shares his memories of his trip and he and…
Northern Games performers singing by the Whitehorse dancers, Eastern Arctic and Point Barrow Utqiarvik dancers
Northern Games drumming by the Fort Good Hope drummers and the Baker Lake dancers followed by square dance fiddle music.
Akisuqyumi from Iqaluit does a talk at the beginning then introduces the gospel singers from Iqaluit, Iqaluktuuttiaq, and Cape Dorset. They are singing gospel songs in Inuktitut on the Native Language Program.
Isaac Papatsie and other Elders from the Pangiqtuuq Gospel Singing Group speaking from Inuvik and sing a gospel song on the Native Language Program.
Various Elders speak to family and friends and send greetings on the People Speak Inuit program.
Frank Cockney is giving a COPE report about the national meeting he and two others attended in Toronto, Ontario.
A COPE meeting was already in progress where discussions started with the agenda items and the progresion of the meeting. Meetings discussions were about annex satelites, providing services to northern communties, providing more Indigenous radio…
Alexandria Elias interviews Susie Tiktalik who shares her personal life stories when she was a young married woman of plentiful caribou and happy times and also speaks of various hardships and sufferings such as abandonment, births, deaths, the big…
John Holman, host of the A Long Time Ago program, airs Raddi Koiksak telling short stories and legends followed by Jorgen Klengenberg telling old time stories.
Sarah Kuptana is sharing her first memories of of their travels, of huntng, of their lifestyle, of large Inuit gatherings, of abandonment, illnesses, deaths, and more when she was a young girl, when they lived a nomadic lifestyle. Part 1. To be…
Sarah Kuptana shares more memories of her younger days, of a very good life, of so much wildlife, fish, and the occasional staple food from the Hudson Bay, that no one would go hungry, and more, part 3. To be continued.
Sarah Kuptana continues to tell more stories of when she was a young woman with her young family, their struggles after she and her husband survive tb (tuberculosis), in trying to re-establish a new life and trying to find their place in a harsh cold…
Donald Kaglik is sharing stories of his memories of his younger days of his travels, an accidential fire, an injury that landed him in the hospital, an RCMP member's disbelief in shamans, his years in the residential school, an educational and…
Agnes Nigiyok is storytelling about a man named Akak who was from Iqaluktuuttiaq (Cambridge Bay) who was married to a Kaniryuarmiut but his inlaws did not like him so they had him killed. To be continued.
Agnes Nigiyok is continuing the story about the man named Akak who was killed then an RCMP investigation ensued a year later when the families involved were arrested and taken away and returned a year later. Agnes also tells about one man’s wife…
Agnes Nigiyok is telling about her biological parents, her elderly father and the severe abuse that her much younger biological mother endured from other men. She talked about first being adopted by her aunt, then being taken away by a bullyish…
Agnes Nigiyok is telling the very sad tale of when she was taken away from her family and homeland accross the ocean to Kugluktuk, Nunavut, as a young girl, by the Sikoalok’s who treated her like a dog and made her suffer and treated her very…
Persis Gruben is sharing stories of the many changes she has witnessed in her life such as living a nomadic lifestyle out on the land to community permanent living, prior to European contact such as: the fast skidoos, of languages, of the…
Alice Agnaoyak is storytelling of when she was a small child, of always going out hunting with her father, of hunting stories and more. Part 1. To be continued.
Alice Agnaoyak is continuing her stories of her younger days of polar bear hunting with her parents and her husband, of an airplane story, of food poisoning resulting in illnesses and deaths, and more. Part 3. To be continued.
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