Host of the A Long Time Ago program, Louie Goose airs Jim Wolki who is telling a story about a man named Uuyaliapan who became lost then snowblind while out caribou hunting in a strange country. Jim then tells the story in English.
Amos Tumma speaks gives advice, then tells a story of bowhead whale hunting long ago around 1918 or 1919, followed by a flood story, and speaks of traditional hunting weapons used long ago, and more.
Elder Amos Tumma is storytelling of hunting and travelling stories including when he hauled freight for the Hudson Bay Company and when the missionaries started heading to the Eastern Arctic.
Elder Amos Tumma is telling stories of hunting, fishing, trapping, and his many travels and how he and others lived long ago as well as the many changes.
Elder Amos Tumma is telling old time stories about a widow and her two sons, about some of his uncles, warriors, no animal parts wasted, harvested food prepared and stored to last all year long, a giant killer mouse, life prior to White peoples…