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  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Ikaahuk / Ikaariaq (Sachs Harbour)"
Michael Amos is storytelling about when he was travelling on the land with his dog team, and the challenges he over came, until he made it back home safely on the A Long Time Ago program hosted by John Holman.
Michael Amos is storytelling about when he and others were hauling freight to Ulukhaktok N.T. from Tuktoyaktuk, of their challenges, close call experiences during their boating journey, and stops along the way, on the A Long Time Ago program hosted…
CHAK’s A Long Time Ago host Louie Goose introduces Jim Wolki and Father Le Meur where Jim is telling part four of The Long Crossing story in English. To be continued.
Raddi Koiksak is telling legends and life stories from when he was young including their traveling, hunting, and fishing stories.
John Holman, host of the A Long Time Ago program, airs Raddi Koiksak telling short stories and legends followed by Jorgen Klengenberg telling old time stories.
John Holman, host of the A Long Time Ago program, airs Raddi Koiksak who is storytelling about his travels and adventures in the Arctic.
Host of the A Long Time Ago program, Louie Goose airs Raddi Koiksak storytelling about his travels in the Arctic in the summer of 1922 to 1923. Final, part 4.
Host of the A Long Time Ago program, Louie Goose airs Raddi Koiksak storytelling about his travels in the Arctic in the summer of 1922 to 1923.. Part 3. To be continued.
Host of the A Long Time Ago program, Louie Goose airs Raddi Koiksak storytelling about his travels in the Arctic in the summer of 1922 to 1923.. Part 2. To be continued.
Alexandria Elias interviews Susie Tiktalik about her life stories prior to being married, of their nomadic lifestyle, traditions, superstitions, hunting methods, traditional food, gatherings, clothing and tools, means of transportation, shamans,…
Alexandria Elias interviews Susie Tiktalik about her younger days and she and her families travels to Banksland.
Alexandria Elias interviews Susie Tiktalik about when she was a young girl, and sharing stories that she remembers from long ago prior to European arrival. Final Part 2.
A Long Time Ago host Louie Goose airs Father Le Meur who interviewed Elders Bessie Wolki and Ivy Raddi, then Paul Adam about how they survived very trying times on Banks Island. Father Le Meur then translates their stories into English.
Elder Amos Tumma is telling old time stories about a widow and her two sons, about some of his uncles, warriors, no animal parts wasted, harvested food prepared and stored to last all year long, a giant killer mouse, life prior to White peoples…
Radio host Rosie Albert is providing regional news in Inuvialuktun.
Various Elders speak to family and friends and send greetings on the People Speak Inuit program.
CBC host Brian Cusins reads the report about oil exploration on Banks Island and the residents and trappers objection to such exploration.
Elders Jane Esau, Elmira Soupay, and Madeline Smith speak to family and friends and send greetings on The Inuit People Speak Program.
Host Victor Allen and Sam Raddi are talking about the proposed CBC Radio Licence and the Oil Company Panarctic Community Consultations. Kitty Kuutuuk Rolland speaks to her younger brother Ir̂igaaqtuaq Old Archie then sings a First Nation Song. …
Elders Kenneth Peeloolook, Rebecca Chicksi, Ruth Alunik,Tommy Kalinek, Joe Nasogaluk Sr., and other Elders speak to family and friends and send greetings on the People Speak Inuit program.
Inuit Nipait host Victor Allen is provding local and regional news and encourges Inuvialuit to speak up and make their voices heard at meetings and to attend meetings that pertain to them. He also encourages Inuvialuit to create and translate songs…
The People Speak host Rosie Albert interiews Michael Amos, Bessie Amos, and Susie Tiktalik about the Elder’s prophecy of White people coming to Canada and taking over and polluting land and waters as their own. The Elders also talk about oil…
Saturday Eskimo Request Show host Victor Allen airs Donald Kaglik singing a song about the Mad Trapper followed by Betty Cockney sending greetings. Felix Nuyaviaq is describing his trip to Anchorage, Alaska, and Donald Kaglik is speaking about how…
Inuit Nipait host Victor Allen is providing territorial elections voting results and passes on a message to the people from the newly elected leader Tom Butters. He then speaks to the elected leaders and sends greetings to family and friends in the…
Elders Sarah Tingmiak, Nora Ruben, and Sarah Kalinek speak to and send greetings to family and friends.
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