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  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Alaska"
Agnes Nanogak is telling a legend of a raven creation story similar to the bible creation story. it’s a story that was passed on to her from her father who came from, Alaska, years ago. Ningarsiq and other fellow Alaskans would also share their…
Shirley Elias interviews Alec Banksland about his lifestyle long ago, about how Inuvialuit lived long ago, and about his dad’s travels with the Steffansson’s expedition. Note: audio is sometimes low. They also interview Alec about traditional…
Murielle Nagy and Agnes White interview Peter Esau about his genealogy, his lifestyle, and his life stories
Murielle Nagy and Agnes White continue interviewing Andy Carpenter about his traditional knowledge of the land area, the animals, his experiences, archeology, and more.
Cathy Cockney is completing the remainder of Dora Malegana’s genealogy then interviews Elizabeth Elanik about her family genealogy with help from interpreter Rosie Archie.
Host of A Native Voice Edward Lennie provides local and regional news then interviews Kenneth Peeloolook about Drum Dancing, their travels, and their performances. Interview ends abruptly so interview is not completed.
Host of A Native Voice Edward Lennie provides local and regional news then bowhead whale hunting interview with Roxy Ikugana, followed by Kenneth Peeloolok drum song, and Inupiaq visitors singing Quvianarniaq gospel song in Inupiaq.
Host of A Native Voice Edward Lennie provides local and regional news then interviews Billy Day on when he and other Elders first started teaching drum dancing, then traveling, and performing drum dances.
Host of A Native Voice Edward Lennie provides local and regional news then interviews Archie Ir̂igaaqtuaq about hunting methods as well as hunting traditions and customs long ago.
Host of A Native Voice Edward Lennie provides local and regional news then interviews Elder Archie Ir̂igaaqtuaq about Easter and about way of life long ago. Archie also tells stories from as early as 1902.
Host of A Native Voice Edward Lennie provides local and regional news then interviews Felix Nuyaviak about bowhead and beluga whaling long ago as well as how Tuktuur̂aqtuuq got it’s name and how Inuvialuit were able to tell time without modern…
Host of the A Long Time Ago program, Louie Goose, airs the continuation of Father Le Meur translating Silas Kangegana’s story about a reindeer herding opportunity in Alaska.Part 2. To be continued.
Host of the A Long Time Ago program, Louie Goose, airs Father Le Meur translating the final part of Silas Kangegana’s story about times of hunger, suffering and survival in Alaska during a time of wildlife shortage, trading at the trading post, and…
Host of the A Long Time Ago program, Louie Goose, airs Father Le Meur translating Silas Kangegana’s story about times of hunger, suffering and survival in Alaska during a time of wildlife shortage, trading at the trading post, and gaining…
Host of the A Long Time Ago program, Louie Goose, airs Father Le Meur translating Silas Kangegana’s story about times of hunger, suffering and survival in Alaska during a time of wildlife shortage, trading at the trading post, and employment. Part…
Host of the A Long Time Ago program, Louie Goose, airs Father Le Meur translating Silas Kangegana’s story about times of hunger, suffering and survival in Alaska during a time of wildlife shortage, trading at the trading post, and employment. Part…
Sarah Kuptana is completing the final part 8 of this series of stories of her younger days when they first returned to Sachs Harbour, of her children leaving for school, of their travels by plane including a trip to Alaska and learning about the…
Various Elders speak to family and friends and send greetings on the People Speak Inuit program.
Raddi Kowichuk and Felix Nuyaviak are telling stories of long ago from around 1910 or 1911 and also sing some Alaskan and other drum songs on the A Long Time Ago program.
Edgar Kotokak and Andy Cockney are telling oldtime stories including their lifestyle stories while speaking with the unidentified interviewer.
Raddi Koiksak is telling legends and life stories from when he was young including their traveling, hunting, and fishing stories.
John Holman, host of the A Long Time Ago program, airs Raddi Koiksak telling short stories and legends followed by Jorgen Klengenberg telling old time stories.
Agnes White and Murille Nagy interview Agnes Kayotuk about she and her family’s travels, places they lived, and their lifestyle long ago to her present lifestyle followed by an interview with Agnes Nasogaluak of her personal life stories and…
Cathy Cockney is interviewing Agnes Kayotuk about her family genealogy in English.
Host of the A Long Time Ago program, Louie Goose, airs Silas Kangegana storytelling of his reindeer herding experiences as they headed home, and their adventures followed by Father Le Meur's translation of Silas Kangegana’s reindeer herding days…
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