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  • Spatial Coverage contains "Akłarvik (Aklavik)"
A Long Time Ago’s CHAK host Louie Goose airs the final Part 2 of a 1957 recording by Bernard Brown who interviews Jake Jacobson of Aklavik, N.T. Jake is telling stories about his life and some of his experiences when he was trapping and living in…
Cathy Cockney is interviewing Andrew and Eva Joe in English about their family genealogies.
Native Language Programming airs Donald Kaglik, Ida Aleekuk, and Peter Thrasher telling stories and or sending greetings. Donald is speaking about the negative changes he saw after returning from school such as children disprecting parents and…
Donald Kaglik is sharing stories of his memories of his younger days of his travels, an accidential fire, an injury that landed him in the hospital, an RCMP member's disbelief in shamans, his years in the residential school, an educational and…
Donald Kaglik is continuing to share stories of his memories of his younger days of muskrat hunting, of his travels, a comical bumble bee story, high water and camp flooding, working for wages, of when the government divided up hunting and trapping…
Donald Kaglik is continuing to share stories of his memories of his younger days of when people used to go to Aklavik for Easter, July games, Christmas, and New Years, of meals and employment at Peffer’s restaurant, of the geese hunting and poker…
Donald Kaglik is continuing to share stories of his memories of his younger days of he and other’s life experience’s living in the bush when fishnet fishing, of a gas lamp fire and his inlaw getting burned then having to dogteam to Aklavik to see…
Donald Kaglik is continuing to share stories of his memories of his younger days continuing the bear hunt story, of fun times, of a comical story of dogs, of working at Peffer’s hotel then at Slim’s Mink Ranch, of his travels, of whaling, then…
Donald Kaglik is continuing to share stories of his memories of his younger days of his travels, of almost drowning, of a haunting scare, the end of the Semmler’s Mink Farm and he and other hired hands helped Semmler’s move to Inuvik when Inuvik…
Donald Kaglik is continuing to share stories of his memories of his younger days of his travels, of staying in tents near Inuvik, of visiting and or visitors, of card games, of fun times, of fishnet fishing, of his dog team, of trapping, and of…
Donald Kaglik is continuing to share stories of his memories of his younger days of when he was just out of school, of his travels including travels with his dad, of his trapping and dog team adventures, of racing to town with his uncle, other dog…
Donald Kaglik is continuing to share stories of his memories of his younger days during the early years of Inuvik starting up in the 1940’s and 1950’s, when workers and families lived in framed tents and 512 homes, of never being short of varied…
Donald Kaglik is continuing to share stories of his memories of his younger days of when he was in the Aklavik hosptial after getting paralised, then recovered and has some drinks with his buddies. He also talks about when a permit was needed to…
Donald Kaglik is continuing to share stories of his memories of his younger days of his travels such as when he and his sister Mary went to Aklavik but when returning to their camp there was lots of overflow and it was hard going so they camped at…
Elder Buster Kailek is sharing more memories of long ago and of how they lived, of reindeer herding, of lifestyle changes, as well as of when Inuvik was just starting up, and more. Part 3. To be continued.
People Speak Inuit host Frank Cockney airs Elders Mary and Buster Kailek who speak to and send greetings to family and friends, then Sam Raddi speaks about COPE, ITK, and ICI, then Frank interviews Simon Bennett about traditional and modern education…
Mary Kailek is storytelling about her life stories from her younger days, of her father, of her grandfather, of some comical stories, of trading piffi (dryfish) for staples with the police who arrived by boat, of various visitors, of learning how to…
Mary Kailek is storytelling of her many travels, of various people, of the types of animals harvested, of her concerns of the new wildlife officer’s regulations and governance during that era, clothing and other items made from animal skins, of…
Mary Kailek is storytelling from the 1937 era, of when she was doing a lot of sewing, of visitors and listening to storytelling in the evenings, of their travels for Christmas and New Years, stories of her dad and Joe trapping and hunting stories, of…
Mary Kailek is storytelling of when she recovered from her illness and went to pick up Joe from the hospital with her dogteam, of the numerous people that were sick and some who passed away, with the hospital in Aklavik being full including the…
"Mary Kailek is storytelling of her younger days, of when she’d sew traditional caribou clothing for the police, of the various people, of the Christmas gatherings with the arrival of many with dog teams, the traditional food, and describes the…
Mary is continuing the story of their travels on the St. Roch Schooner from the previous story, of the square dance when they arrived to their destination, of seeing Iqaluktuuttiaq for the first time, and the story ends abruptly at 11:04 and other…
Mary Kailek is storytelling of when she was younger living with her parents, of various people, of her sister Annie’s birth, of when the schooners arrived and her dad purchased a record player for her, of their travels, of living at various…
Mary Kailek is continuing to share her memories from 1942 and 1943 of: she and her family’’s activities such as hunting, trapping, of various people, of their travels, of going to Aklavik for Easter, Peffer’s Hotel, Banksland people who flew to…
Mary Kailek is storytelling of when they were at Avvaq, of various people, of mourning for her uncle Kimiksan, of her relations with others, of their travels including to Tuktoyaktuk and then to Aklavik, of her parents, and shares more fond memories…
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