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Is Part Of is exactly "RC_Knights_PhotoRC_Knights_Photos_Collection_N1993-002-0066_to_N1993-002-0245"
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Bill Benedek and Peter Esau
front: Bill Benedek, Back: S/Cst. Peter Esau
Seal Hunting
The image shows Peter Esau posing with a seal ugyuk he got from hunting.
Skinning Seal Ugyuk
S/Cst. Peter Esau skinning seal ugyuk.
Seal Hunting on "Old Ice"
S/Cst. Peter Esau seal hunting on
Peter Esau In Kayak
Peter Esau in kayak (?) hooking bear that was shot 10 miles out on the sea ice as it broke through.
Hunting Caribou
Peter Esau inland hunting caribou for fresh meat supply.
Hunting Along the Coast
Peter and Shirley Esau hunting along coast at Cape Kellett.
Christmas Dance
Christmas dance at DOT. Barbara Carpenter, Geddes Wolki, Leslie Carpenter, Lena Tiktalik, Fred Carpenter (violin), Bill Benedek (RCMP) and Peter Esau
Family Photo Session
Mabel Tiktalik (top left) holding Mabel Kudluk, Jean holding Charlie, Mona and Eileen.
Seal Oil Lamp
The image shows a Seal Oil Lamp in a Snow House, along with other dishes.
Snow houses
The snowhouses where 18 people lived. This was the first day the sun came back, the temperature was minus 35 degrees F.
Louie Uniyak
The image shows Louie Uniyak standing in front of a snow house.
Louie Uniyak & wife Lucy Utuayuq
The image shows Louie Uniyak & wife Lucy Utuayuq standing by some snow houses.
Food Break
The image shows Peter Esau, Jean, Annie, Mabel, Martha Kudluk, and Joe. They are all sitting around having some food.
Messy Eating
The image shows Florance and Leslie Carpenter. The child is eating out of a can, and has a messy face
Overnight SnowHouse
The image shows Peter Esau in overnight snow house on hunting trip 20 miles out.
Gear Inside
The images shows Peter Esau's gear inside overnight snow house on hunting trip 20 miles out.
Cleaning Bear Skin
The image shows Shirley Esau and Sarah Kuptana cleaning a bear skin.
Rosie and Roger Kuptana
The image shows two kids, Rosie and Roger Kuptana standing outside posing for a photo.
William Kuptana
The image shows William Kuptana standing outside by a snowhouse.
Leaving for Trap Lines
The image shows Winnie and Glen Carpenter leaving for trap lines by dog sled.
Hooking up Dogs
The image shows Frank Carpenter hooking up the dogs, leaving for trap lines.
Leaving for Trap Lines
The image shows Frank and Florance Carpenter with Leslie and Barbara leaving for trap lines.
Covered in Snow
The image shows Susie Tiktalik's tent covered in snow for Insulation.
Ice Fishing
The images shows William Kuptana ice fishing for fresh eating fish at Fish Lake (20 miles South of Sachs Harbour).
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