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Working the Rig
A photo of three men working on a drilling rig.
Oil and Gas
A photo of a convoy led by a tractor searching for oil and gas sites.
Northwestel Hockey
A photo of the Northwestel hockey team. The photo includes Floyd Roland, Charles Martin, and Ross MacCallum.
Nora Memogana Sewing
A photo of Nora Memogana sewing.
Dennis Thrasher
A photo of Dennis Thrasher standing at a podium.
Canada Trail
A photo of Nellie Cournoyea holding a torch and standing with a few people at the Canada Trail opening.
Side View of Shelves
A photo of the shelves in a log house.
Hanging Stove
A photo of a hanging stove and some pans hanging on the wall.
Log House Shelves
A photo of kitchen shelves in a log house.
Looking at Some Crafts
A photo of Rosie Albert, Susie Francis, Agnes K., and Clayton Gordon near a table displaying various crafts.
Photo in a Photo
A photo of a photo of two people sitting on the floor in a log cabin.
Dolls in the Chair
A photo of two dolls in a chair.
Arm Pull Game
A photo of two boys trying the arm pull game and a man coaching them. The photo includes Mickey Lee Gordon, Leonard Harry, and Marty McLeod.
Merle and Frank Carpenter
A photo of Merle and Frank Carpenter being sworn in as RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) officers.
Mavis Jacobson
A photo of Mavis Jacobson sitting at a desk and writing in a notebook.
Using an Ulu
A photo of Mary Kudlak using an ulu on a hide.
Mark Noksana
A photo of Mark Noksana (right) standing with another man in a room with furs on the wall.
Marcy Tingmiak
A photo of Marcy Tingmiak.
Madeline Smith
A photo of Madeline Smith sitting in a chair with three homemade owl crafts in front of her.
Mabel Stefansson (Rosie's Mom)
A photo of Mabel Stefansson (Rosie's mom) sitting on a couch.
Lyle Trimble Action Group
A photo of the Lyle Trimble Action Group at a table. From left to right: Glenna Hansen, Jimmy Jacobson, David Storr, and Lyle Trimble.
Lily Elias
A photo of Lily Elias sitting at a desk and holding a piece of paper and a phone.
Lillian Elias and Rosemary Kirby
A photo of Lillian Elias and Rosemary Kirby looking at a book.
Leonard Harry and Arm Pull
A photo of a child and a woman performing the arm pull game in a classroom. The photo includes Leonard Harry (right).
Lena Wolki
A photo of Lena Wolki.
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