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Jackie Norris
A photo of Jackie Norris the Managing Editor of The Drum newspaper in Inuvik.
Tom Butters
A photo of Tom Butters, the Editor of the Drum newspaper in Inuvik, NWT.
Fiddlers on Stage
The photo shows a group of fiddlers on stage performing to a crowd of people.
Agnes Semmler
A photo of Agnes Semmler from Inuvik sitting down on a chair with some kind of fur hanging up behind her.
Rat Skinning
The photo shows Annie Nukon and Mary Kassi from Old Crow, Yukon skinning a rat.
Raddie Kawikchuk and Felix Nuyaviak
A photo of Raddie Kawikchuk and Felix Nuyaviak from Tuktoyaktuk sitting together with a crowd of people around them.
Sitting by the Window
The photo shows Melvin Olanna, Beth Phillips, and Mary Annis sitting down together by the window.
Arm Wrestling
The photo shows the northern game Arm Wrestling with two contestants from Paulatuk and Tuktoyaktuk performing the game.
Jim Koe Park High Kick
The photo shows a man performing the northern game, the High Kick in Jim Koe Park.
Rev. Doug Dittrich
A photo of Rev. Doug Dittrich of the Anglican Church sitting down and talking on the phone.
High Kick In Jim Koe
The photo shows a man attempting to perform the northern game High Kick in front of a crowd of people in Jim Koe Park.
Mackenzie Delta Group Performing
The photo shows the Mackenzie Delta Drum Dancers group performing in SAMS gym.
Watching Seal Skinning
The photo shows a woman in the middle of skinning a seal with plenty of on lookers.
Cambridge Bay Dancer
The photo shows a Cambridge Bay Dancer, Luke Nuleiyak, playing the drum and dancing at the same time. (Note luggage tag still on drum).
Tommy & Sarah Kalinek
A photo of Tommy & Sarah Kalinek from Inuvik standing together.
Performing in SAMS Gym
The photo shows a couple of Cambridge Bay Dancers performing in the gym at SAMS school
George Robert
A photo of George Robert who is a Fiddler from Fort McPherson sitting down with his fiddle.
Holding a Cup
A photo of Abel Tingmiak standing up against a wall holding a cup.
Seal Skinning in Jim Koe Park
The photo shows a woman in Jim Koe Park skinning a seal in front of on lookers.
Annie Konanna
A photo of Annie Konanna from Coppermine sitting down on a chair, dressed in a nice parka.
Northern Game Airplane
The photo shows the northern game, Airplane that is being performed by William Day.
Ear Weight Contest
The photo shows the northern game, Ear Weight Contest that is being performed by Charlie Kasook.
Finger Pull
The photo shows the northern game, Finger Pull that is being performed by Pat Tingmiak and Buck Dick.
Back Push
The photo shows the northern game, Back Push that is being performed by Jerry Allen and Buck Dick.
Weight Packing
The photo shows the northern game, Weight Packing that is being performed by Jerry Allen with people hanging off of him.
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