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  • Is Part Of is exactly ""Binder 4" binder collection of film slides"

Smoking Hills (May '76)0.jpg
An aerial photo of Smoking Hills.

Smoking Hills (Aug '75) (3)0.jpg
A wide view photo of Smoking Hills and shoreline looking northward with smoke issuing from hill vents.

Smoking Hills (Aug '75) (2)0.jpg
An aerial photo of smoke issuing from vents in Smoking Hills.

Smoking Hills (July '74) (3)0.jpg
A photo of hillside shoulders at Smoking Hills.

Smoking Hills (June '75) (4)0.jpg
A photo of streams and hills at Smoking Hills.

Smoking Hills (July '74) (2)0.jpg
A photo of a plume of smoke issuing from a vent in Smoking Hills.

Smoking Hills (Sept '76) (3)0.jpg
Photos of smoke issuing from various points in the Smoking Hills with the shoreline below.

Smoking Hills (June '75)0.jpg
Photos of smoke shrouding the tops of the Smoking Hills.

Smoking Hills (June '75) (2)0.jpg
An aerial photo of smoke issuing from two ports in the Smoking Hills.

Smoking Hills (Sept '76)0.jpg
Photos of the Smoking Hills shoreline and ocean looking southward, with smoke issuing from the hills.

Smoking Hills (July '74)0.jpg
A photo of smoke issuing from the Smoking Hills.

North end of Cape Parry, ship iron and other stuff (Sept '76)0.jpg
A photo of a ship iron and wooden wheel and other wooden artifacts at the Cape Parry whaler's camp.

North end of Cape Parry, Ship decking (Sept '76)0.jpg
A photo of a portion of ship decking from the late 1800's whalers camp located at the north end of Cape Parry.

20 miles west of Smoking Hills - Ptarmigan (July '74)0.jpg
A photo of two ptarmigans in winter plumage on land.

North end of Cape Parry, polar bear skull in water (Sept '76)0.jpg
A photo of a polar bear skull in a pool of water at the North end of Cape Parry.

North end of Cape Parry, Ulu (Sept '76)0.jpg
A photo of a weathered ulu from the late 1800's at the whaler's camp at the North end of Cape Parry.

Smoking Hills - Veg, Lousewort (July '75)0.jpg
A photo of lousewort at Smoking Hills.

Smoking Hills Veg (July '75) (2)0.jpg
A photo of dew on petals of lousewort at Smoking Hills.

North end of Cape Parry, inside whaler's hut (Sept '76)0.jpg
A photo of weathered old shoes and a rusted cooking pan hanging on the wall of the whaler's hut in Cape Parry.

North end of Cape Parry, inside whaler's hut (Sept '76) (2)0.jpg
A photo of a bed frame and table inside a whaler's hut in Cape Parry.

Franklin Bay, Smoking Hills (July '75)0.jpg
A photo of Franklin Bay and Smoking Hills.

Diamond Rock, Cape Parry Peninsula (Aug '75)0.jpg
An aerial photo of Diamond Rock at Cape Parry Peninsula.

Diamond Rock north end of Cape Parry Peninsula (July '75)0.jpg
A photo of Diamond Rock at Cape Parry Peninsula.

Cape Parry Peninsula (Oct '76) (2)0.jpg
A photo of Cape Parry Peninsula.

Cape Parry Peninsula (Oct '76)0.jpg
A photo of Cape Parry Peninsula.
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