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A video of performers and audience members at the Midway Lake Music Festival in Fort McPherson.
The first part of the video shows fiddle, jig, and drum dance performances; the second part of the video is of Billy Ruben from Paulatuk speaking in Inuvialuktun; and the last part of the video shows still images of the musk ox harvest in Sachs…
A video which provides information about AIDS. Two doctors and a nurse are interviewed about what AIDS is, how it is contracted, and how to prevent its spread.
A video of races and activities that took place in Ulukhaktok (Holman) during Easter 1987. It includes dog sled racing, snowmobile racing, igloo building, and jigging.
A video of Gerald Falk talking about his experiences living in Reindeer Station and Richard Binder talking about the history of Reindeer Station.
Highlights from the 1988 Kingalik Jamboree in Ulukhaktok
A video of musicians John Kuneyuna, Noah Akhiatak, and Peter Malgukak being interviewed about their music. They perform on the fiddle, guitar, accordion, and keyboard, while people square dance and play musical chairs along to their music.
A video interviewing various Elders in the area of Aklavik in Inuvialuktun.
A video of people from Inuvik and Paulatuk sending Christmas greetings and elders speaking about what Christmas means to them.
A video recording the Mad Trapper Rendezvous of 1988, a set of games that are all reminiscent of the skills needed to live off of the land. Depicted events include: dog races, muskrat skinning, biscuit eating, bottle sucking, log sawing, and hockey.
After signing the Land Claims Agreement in 1984, the work of the Committee for the Original People's Entitlement (COPE) has come to a close. This video depicts the farewell
A video documenting the opening celebrations of the new Sittichinli Recreational Complex in Aklavik.
A video documenting the 1987 Kingalik Jamboree featuring musical performances, drum dancing, and games.
This is video is divided into three parts: the first depicts the events at the Kiddie Muskrat Jamboree in Inuvik, the second discusses tourism in the delta area, and the third is a shorter video with Victor Allen showing the audience how to forage…

ICS Promo
A short video which shows clips of people engaged in a variety of different Inuvialuit cultural activities. A promo for the Tamapta television program.
Highlights from the 1988 Beluga Jamboree in Tuktoyaktuk.
This video is about the community of Sachs Harbour, Northwest Territories. It includes interviews with mayor Les Carpenter and Sachs Harbour Hunters and Trappers Committee (HTC) president Floyd Sydney. It also includes an interview with Lena Wolki,…
A video of people performing and enjoying the Midway Lake Music Festival in Fort McPherson. Several performers and audience members are interviewed about the festival.
Delta drummers and dancers perform followed by Toronto Sympnony orchestra. Afterwards, Loretta Andre kicks off the 2nd Annual Talent Show which features various musical performances.
A video of different drum dance performances created to help people learn the drum dances and songs.
Events surrounding the White Fox Jamboree including: jigging contests, games, feast, dog sled racing, and snowmobile racing. The video also features northern landscapes and ends with a small puppet show.
The first part of this video shows Elders Winnie Cockney, Sarah Tingmiak, and Emma Dick talking about how they celebrated Christmas and New Year’s long ago. The second part of the video shows people sending Christmas and New Year’s greetings to…
A video of people giving suggestions about what to do and bring when travelling to the hospital.
A short video in English, consisting mainly of clips from episodes of Tamapta, promoting the Tamapta television program.
A video of children from Sir Alexander Mackenzie School (SAMS) in Inuvik performing Christmas songs and plays.
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