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A video of children from Moose Kerr School in Aklavik singing Christmas songs, jigging, and performing Christmas plays.
The first part of this video contains interviews with artist/festival organizer Sue Rose, and other artists including Peter Ragae, Lyle Trimble, Fred Iyak Trimble, and Rex Goose at the 1991 Great Northern Arts Festival in Inuvik. The second part of…
Highlights from the 1991 Kingalik Jamboree in Ulukhaktok. Video features an interview with Sam Green.
This video highlights the events at the Beluga Jamboree and depicts interviews with Tuk Elders Emmanuel Felix and Charlie and Persus Gruben.
The first part of this video shows the general meeting of the Community Education Council in Aklavik and includes interviews with Peter Murray and Ruth Elanik. The second part of the video is about the Aklavik Adult Learning Centre, its Pathfinder…
This video shows youths Jason Gordon, Robert Tookoomie, and Pitsi Pfeifer speaking about their experiences participating in the 1992 Inuit Circumpolar Conference (ICC) which took place in Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk. It also includes some scenes from the…
Description of Herschel Island and the cultural study under way to gather oral histories from the area. Louie Goose and Victor Allen are interviewed, among others.
A video of people and organizations from Inuvik sending Christmas and New Year's greetings.
The first part of this video shows people out on the land, and the second part shows people speaking during the Inuvialuit Conference. Almost all of the video is in Inuvialuktun.
A video of musicians performing at the Midway Lake Music Festival in Fort McPherson. The video also shows people jigging and audience members enjoying the performances.
A video of musicians performing at the Midway Lake Music Festival in Fort McPherson. The video also shows people jigging and audience members enjoying the performances.
A video of clips from the Midway Lake Festival. Different performers are shown along with shots of people in the audience and audience members dancing.
A video depicting the games and activities from the Muskrat Jamboree in Inuvik.
Part 3 of the Inuvialuktun Language Conference in Inuvik. This video includes clips from the conference and interviews with people about proposed ideas for young parents, middle-aged people, and elders to learn the Inuvialuktun language and culture.…
Part 2 of the Inuvialuktun Language Conference in Inuvik. This video includes clips from the conference and interviews with people about language camps, proposed junior high and high school courses, and the benefit of learning about their culture for…
Part 1 of the Inuvialuktun Language Conference in Inubik. This video includes clips from the conference and interviews with people about teaching Inuvialuktun in the schools.
A video of the 1989 Bicentennial Canoe Race. It shows scenes from throughout the race and is narrated in Inuvialuktun.
A video of theatre, throat singing, and drum dance performances from the 1989 Inuit Circumpolar Conference in Sismuit, Greenland. The video also includes some interviews and clips of the landscape/scenery.
The events of the 1989 Ikhalukpik Jamboree in Paulatuk.
The first part of this video shows Edith Haougak and Lena Wolki speaking Inuvialuktun without subtitles. The rest of the video shows outdoor scenes from Holman (Ulukhaktok), Sachs Harbour, Paulatuk, Tuktoyaktuk, Inuvik, and Aklavik.
Highlights from the 1989 Mad Trapper Rendezvous like snowmobile racing, show shoe racing, drumming, singing, jigging, and games.
Various musical performances for the Inuvik Talent show.
A video depicting the games and activities from the 1989 Muskrat Jamboree.
This video introduces the Larga Home through interviews with employees and visitors. The second half of the video depicts the events of the 1989 McPherson Jamboree.
A video documenting various musical performances the Muskrat Jamboree Talent show.
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