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Saturday Eskimo Request Show host Victor Allen airs Donald Kaglik singing a song about the Mad Trapper followed by Betty Cockney sending greetings. Felix Nuyaviaq is describing his trip to Anchorage, Alaska, and Donald Kaglik is speaking about how…
Host Victor Allen and Sam Raddi are talking about the proposed CBC Radio Licence and the Oil Company Panarctic Community Consultations. Kitty Kuutuuk Rolland speaks to her younger brother Ir̂igaaqtuaq Old Archie then sings a First Nation Song. …
Saturday Inuit Show host Rosie Albert provides regional news with various Elders sending greetings and speaking to family and friends, and Sam Raddi giving travel and meeting updates. Kenneth Peeleelook shares his memories of his trip and he and…
Saturday Afternoon Inuit Show host Victor Allen airs Sam Raddi gving a COPE meeting update then Alice Thrasher speaks to family and friends and sends greetings. Victor provides regional news. Kane Tologanak speaks about community activities. …
Elders Sarah Tingmiak and Donald Kaglik from Iñuuvik speak to and send greetings to family and friends.
Sarah Kuptana continues her life stories of when she and her family overcame starvation and hard times, finding employment and selling her sewing to make money, and continuing to improve their lifestyle and feeling like a milionaire, such as when…
Sarah Kuptana continues her storytelling of when they travelled to Ikahuuk (Sachs Harbour), of the hard times they went through including starvation, of her family gaining employment with the department of transporation, of making a new start in an…
Sarah Kuptana continues to tell more stories of when she was a young woman with her young family, their struggles after she and her husband survive tb (tuberculosis), in trying to re-establish a new life and trying to find their place in a harsh cold…
Sarah Kuptana continues to share more memories of her younger days of happy times, hard times, fearful times, then suffering with sickness that she did not know was TB (tuberculosis). She shares about how she was eventually transported by boat to…
Sarah Kuptana shares more memories of her younger days, of a very good life, of so much wildlife, fish, and the occasional staple food from the Hudson Bay, that no one would go hungry, and more, part 3. To be continued.
Sarah Kuptana continues storytelling about a good life, of the Hudson Bay Store, of her dad’s job, of getting a monthly rashion, of their travels, her parents illnesses, of various families, of fishing, hunting, and her first experiences of what…
Sarah Kuptana is sharing her first memories of of their travels, of huntng, of their lifestyle, of large Inuit gatherings, of abandonment, illnesses, deaths, and more when she was a young girl, when they lived a nomadic lifestyle. Part 1. To be…
Sarah Kuptana is completing the final part 8 of this series of stories of her younger days when they first returned to Sachs Harbour, of her children leaving for school, of their travels by plane including a trip to Alaska and learning about the…
Agnes White is interviewing Sarah Kuptana about where and how she and her family lived at various places, such as Kangikhualuk (De Salis Bay), and at Kangikhuakyuk (Jesse Bay), and towards Naqhaaluk, and more, long ago.
Murielle Nagy and Agnes White are viewing photographs with Sarah Kuptana and Edith Haogak for identification purposes as well as viewing maps and naming the traditional place names. They also interview them about their genealogy and and life…
Murielle Nagy and Agnes White continue interviewing Sarah Kuptana and Edith Haogak about their lifestyles and stories from their younger days followed by an interview with Andy Carpenter about his lifestyle, stories, and memories from his younger…
Murielle Nagy and Agnes White continue interviewing Sarah Kuptana and Edith Haogak about their lifestyles and stories from their younger days. Note: audio sometimes is very low. Murielle and and another unidentified speaker are suddenly heard…
Sam Raddi is providing a report on the topics discussed at the Inuit Tapirisat Kanatami (ITK) meeting that he attended in Igloolik, Nunavut with other Inuit and Inuvialuit leaders, and delegates from throughout Canada
Shirley Elis interviews Sam Oliktoak who also shares stories about his lifestyle and memories from his younger days. Note: At times there was a lot of background noise making it hard to hear including some traditional place names.
Shirley Elias completes the interview with Sam Oliktoak then another person interviews Nicholas Uluariuk about his lifestyle and memories from his younger days.
Sam Oliktoak and Flossie Papigluk are sharing stories that were passed on for generations.
Murielle Nagy and Agnes White continue to interview Sam Lennie who is telling personal and historical stories. They also view and discuss photographs and maps discussing place names and historical contexts.
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