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Frank Cockney interviews Tom Avakgak about his lifestyles memories from his younger days beginning in the early1930’s. Part 1. To be continued.
Frank Cockney continues interviewing Tom Avakgak about his lifestyles memories from his younger days beginning in the early1930’s including when he and others went to Aklavik for residential school. Part 2. To be continued.
Frank Cockney continues interviewing Tom Avakgak about more of his lifestyle memories from his younger days, during the late 1930’s and early 1940’s, including of residential school then life after returning home from residential school then…
Frank Cockney continues interviewing Tom Avakgak about more of his lifestyle memories from his younger days including hunting and trapping stories and trapping teachings from his dad. He also spoke of when his dad passed away. Part 4. To be…
Frank Cockney continues interviewing Tom Avakgak about his travels, hunting, trapping, and life stories after his father’s passing. Part 5 and 6. To be continued.
Agnes White interviews Frank Cockney about his lifestyle, places he’s traveled, and traditional land use areas in his younger days. Frank also shares some stories.
Frank Cockney is giving a COPE report about the national meeting he and two others attended in Toronto, Ontario.
Frank Cockney mentions that he forgot to say his name and where he’s from in regards to the prevous report about the national meeting he and two others attended in Toronto, Ontario.
Frank Cockney is speaking with unidentified interviewer about his lifestyle long ago from his younger days followed by Andy Cockney who also shares personal lifestories from his younger days. Another unidentified speaker occasionally adds to the…
Agnes White and Murielle Nagy interview Frank Kudlak about his lifestyle long ago, about the animals, about traditional place names, and Frank also shares stories from his younger days. Note: audio is sometimes low. Murielle also interviews Edith…
Shirley Elias interviews Frank Kuptana about his lifestyle from his younger days, his genealogy, and he shares stories from long ago. Part 1. To be continued.
Shirley Elias continues interviewing Frank Kuptana about his lifestyle from his younger days and Frank continues sharing memories from long ago. Frank also speaks of the many changes in the Inuvialuit lifestyle compared to years past. Final part…
Frank Kuptana is telling lifestyle stories from long ago. He also identifies traditional place names on the map.
Frank Kuptana is telling old time stories of how people lived long ago of how people hunted, fished, and gathered for their food long ago, living a totally traditional lifestyle compared to today with help now a days from the government, with people…
Elder Frank Kuptana is telling stories of a long time ago prior to Whiteman arrival. He then tells stories of when the White people arrived with stores and the government who encouraged Inuvialuit to move to a new town of Ulukhaktok, N.T. with the…
Frank Cockney is storytelling his life stories of when he was growing up with his grandparents, observing his grandfather and learning the traditional way of life from his grandparents, of the laplanders that were reindeer herding and staying with…
Frank Cockney is storytelling of their travels, of the fur trading economy, of the store keeper Old Ross, of stories of alcohol, of making money, and starting to receive income tax refunds, of when Dave Jones used to look after the Post Office, of…
Frank Cockney is storytelling of his travels, of various families, where they lived, of fun times when he and others would hunt together and race back home with their dogs, of playing poker with whitefoxes, of treacherous ice and open water…
Frank Cockney is storytelling of when his grandfather was preparing him to become more independent so he doesn’t suffer when he’s no longer around, of Christmas and New Year’s gatherings, of the Reindeer Herders joining themf or Christmas, of…
Frank Cockney is storytelling of when he and his wife would either stay with his inlaws but moreso with his grandparents who adopted and raised him, of mustkrat hunting, of trapping, of his grandfather who was monitoring to see how he could handle…
Frank Cockney is storytelling of when his grandmother, his father in law, then mother in law passed away, of his grandfather's independence, of he and his wife’s and many other’s registered traplines, of living a worry free healthy traditional…
Frank Cockney is storytelling of when his late famoun grandfather who had many friends and who was not well but stlll very fit and wanted to go mining, so he, his grandfather, Tom Elanik, Harry, Abe Auktalik Okpik, Owen , his grandfather, left…
Frank Cockney is storytelling of when he lived in the Delta, of people, the weather, the government all being different from when he was young, prior to many people living on one place, of his home near Aklavik, of travelling with dogsleds prior to…
Frank Cockney is storytelling of his trapping stories, of his travels with his family, of going to the store with his dogsled and purchasing dry goods, of caring for their dogs and dog teams, of his 10 to 12 year old son hunting small game, of…
Frank Cockney is storytelling of his travels including to Aklavik where alcohol purchases were just opened to Indigenous people after initially only Caucasians were allowed to purchase alcohol from the Liquor store, of hauling stuff for Fred…
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