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CHAK’s A Long Time Ago host Louie Goose introduces Jim Wolki and Father Le Meur where Jim is telling the final part six of The Long Crossing story. Father Le Meur then interviews Jim about his successful trapping days when he was younger.
Aklavik Elder Hope Gordon is storytelling about where and how they lived in Alaska, Part 1. To be continued.
A Long Time Ago host Ishmael Alunik airs Aklavik Elder Hope Gordon storytelling about where and how they lived in Alaska, Part 2. To be continued.
A Long Time Ago host Ishmael Alunik airs Aklavik Elder Hope Gordon storytelling about where and how they lived in Alaska, Part 3 to be continued.
A Long Time Ago host Ishmael Alunik airs Aklavik Elder Hope Gordon storytelling about where and how they lived in Alaska, Part 4.
Peter Green is speaking about the Inuit Cultural Institute’s aims and objectives that is then translated into Inuvialuktun by Abe Okpik
Agnes White interviews Helen Gruben then Willie Gruben about their lifestyle, places they traveled, hunted and trapped. They also tell stories.
Persis Gruben is telling her life stories of her birth place, of their travels with her parents, of when her mom got sick, of the Eastern Inuit (Qangmalit) visiting: who had different clothing and a different language and who practised shamanism, of…
Persis Gruben continues to tell of her life experiences of when she was younger, of their travels, of fishing and hunting, of various families, of traditional food, of getting staple supplies for the winter, of her sister Winnie’s accident and when…
Persis Gruben continues storytelling about her younger days with her parents, of she and her family’s many travels, of fishing, hunting and gathering for food when living a traditional nomadic life,. She also speaks of fatal illness, of when the…
Persis Gruben is storytelling about being taught to be respectful to their parents, about her relationship with her parents, about their travels, about Sunday bible teachings from her parents, about Christmas Gatherings and about Christmas new…
Persis Gruben continues to tell stories of her life experiences of when she was young living and travelling with her parents and siblings, of a gunshot accident, of hunting and trapping stories, of traditional first aid and healing methods, of a…
Persis Gruben continues to tell stories of she and her family’s travels, of various families and people, of the big houses belonging to the police and Hudson’s Bay, of various the types of homes that Inuvialuit lived in, of the big flu that…
Persis Gruben continues storytelling about she and other’s experiences at the residential school at Tapqaq (Shingle Point) and also mentions other’s experiences at Hay River, Northwest Territories, including their English language barrier, the…
Persis Gruben is storytelling of her younger days, of a time when she didn’t see alcoholism amongst the people, of a fire where her family lost everything, of how people have changed and are not like how they were long ago: when people used to help…
Persis Gruben is stortyelling about orphans, of various people and or families at various locations they lived at including the different homes they lived in. She also spoke of water and heating oil not being delivered to them but rather they would…
Persis Gruben is describing the very different sights and scenery of her experiences of going to the city of Seattle, of a shooting incident, of the Inuit Tapirisat of Canada (ITC) first starting up, ships long ago and today, her thoughts regarding…
Persis Gruben is sharing stories of the many changes she has witnessed in her life such as living a nomadic lifestyle out on the land to community permanent living, prior to European contact such as: the fast skidoos, of languages, of the…
Persis Gruben is continuing her lifestyle stories comparing the numerous changes and coming to terms with a changing way of life that her generation encountered affecting things like: lifestyle changes, cleanliness and caring for the land,…
Persis Gruben is sharing her opinions of and comparing past lifestyle of Inuvialuit to present modern day Inuvialuit lifestyles in regards to transportation, sewage and garbage, influence of European lifestyles, hunting and wildlife, and traditional…
Persis Gruben is telling her life stories of when she was younger of their travels with her parents then later with her husband, of her mom’s passing, of their homes, of the flu and of deaths, of various families at the various places they lived,…
Persis Gruben is continuing her storytelling of their travels with their families, of moving to Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories, of various animals harvested, of the different schooners, of the various places she lived, and of how people long ago…
Persis Gruben is continuing her storytelling of the lifestyle changes, about traveling with her parents long ago and later with her children when her husband was hospitalised, of her traditional teachings, of wildlife hunted, of the oil companies…
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