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Alexandria Elias interviews Susie Tiktalik about when she was a very young girl, about their culture and way of life long ago prior to European arrival. Part 1, to be continued.
Agnes Nigiyok is telling a story of when she was a young girl of the many years of hardships she endured when she lived with her step parents, the Sikoaluks . She recalls how they let her suffer in need of clothes and left her hungry most of the…
A Long Time Ago host Louie Goose airs Father Le Meur who interviewed Elders Bessie Wolki and Ivy Raddi, then Paul Adam about how they survived very trying times on Banks Island. Father Le Meur then translates their stories into English.
Elder Bob Kanayok is telling a legend of a woman with a tail and some Inuit had supernatural powers.
Mary Kailek is completing her story from the previous stories of her summer memoirs. Final Part 2.
Mary Kailek is sharing memories of she and her family’s travels, of various visitors, of beluga whale hunting, of fishnet fishing, of traditional food preparation, of making dryfish and also teaching the grandchildren who wanted to learn how to…
Mary Kailek is sharing her memories of she and her family’s activities during the summer and fall of their travels and living out on the land. Mary also mentions the visitors arriving to their camp, of passers by, of various chores, of sewing…
Qummana is telling a story about Fred Carpenter during the 1921/22 era.
Agnes Nanogak is storytelling of some of she and her family’s many travels, of living in various places, and of of some of their experiences such as when her father fell in water and nearly froze to death, of when he made his own kayak boat with…
Stories start with a repeated story from previous old time story that was already in progress that Mary Kailek heard from Itualuk. Mary also speaks about lifestyle changes from their very traditinoal active and busy lifestyle to a life of ease and…
Elder Amos Tumma is telling old time stories of his younger days of hunting and travelling, and of his wife’s grandfather’s stories from long ago of how they lived, working hard, hardly sleeping, hunting for their food prior to arrival of…
Mary Kailek is storytelling of the fall of 1930 when she went to Utqaluk (Baillie Island) and of some who went to Pierce Point where there were many Eastern Inuit living there at that time, of stories she heard of Eastern Inuit and shamanism, and of…
Roddy (sp) Peter’s translates Andrew Kunnizzi’s story in English about the stories he was telling two ladies.
Mary Kailek is completing the legend from the previous legend, then tells a personal short story from when she was at Campsell Hospital, and ends with a legend that she heard from her friend Melanie from Taloyoak (Spence Bay) about a man who had five…
Mary Kailek is telling more legends including of a man who could turn himself into other things to achieve his goals, of people living along the ocean shore, and more. Part 3. To be continued.
Mary Kailek is continuing (repeating initial part of the story) a legend from the previous story where the daughter refuses to marry a man, then tells a short personal story of an unusual sighting from her younger days, followed by a First Nations…
Mary Kailek is telling a story that was already in progress about the legend of an orphan who sets off in search for the women who were kidnapped including a ruler's daughters followed by another legend of an aging discouraged father whose daughter…
Guy Hologak is storytelling about stories and legends that he heard about murders and stabbings and about a man, a woman, and a whitefox.
Kenneth Peeloolook is storytelling about Stefansson’s iced in ship that sunk and how they were able to survive with Inupiaq guides followed by a short personal life story
Guy Hologak is storytelling about his grandfather Aligoitok who was stabbed to death in Ikaahuk and other stabbings and killing of other people long ago prior to White People and RCMP arriving.
Aklavik, N.T. Elder, Simon Bennett is speaking to and sending greetings to family and friends on the The People Speak Inuit Program.
Shirley Esau is storytelling and reminiscing about long ago followed by Agnes White interviewing Geddes Wolki about his genealogy and life stories. The latter interview audio is low.
Radio host Ishmael Suuyuk Alunik airs Agnes Nigiyok who is telling the story of when they were sailing accross the ocean and got shipwrecked on the A Long Time Ago program.
Elder Amos Tumma is storytelling about how shamans were involved long ago prior to the arrival of ministers.
Elder Amos Tumma is storytelling about shamans and medicine men prior to the arrival of ministers on the A Long Time Ago program.
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