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Agnes White interviews Emma Raddi about her lifestyle and places she’s traveled from her younger days.
Agnes White interviews Emmanuel Felix then Sandy Wolki about their lifestyle, places they traveled, hunted and trapped. They also tell stories.
Cathy Cockney interviews Esau Elgayak then Ida Aivek about their family genealogies with the help of an interpreter.
Cathy Cockney interviews Eunice Nasogaluak and William Nasogaluak in English about their family interviews.
Eva Raddi is being interviewed about her lifestyle long ago by an unidentified interviewer followed by Noah Felix who is also being interviewed about his lifestyle long ago. They also share personal life stories.
Joe Nasogaluak is storytelling of he and his family’s’s travels and way of life beginning in the fall of 1915 in Tuktuur̂aqtuuq
William Kuptana is continuing the hunting stories with the polar bear and seal hunting with traditional hunting methods and homemade hunting tools and weapons, prior to Whiteman contact. Note: Story stops abruptly.
William Kuptana is storytelling about his parents and siblings, who only had Inuvialuit names since they all passed away prior to the arrival of Europeans, and mentions that David Roland having his father’s Inuvialuktun name, , of learning how to…
Father Le Meur interviews Bertram Pokiak in English and Inuvialuktun on CFCT in Tuktoyaktuk, N.T. about the Inuit Tapirsat Canada conference that Bertram attended in Pangirtung, Nunavut
The recording is of a meeting that was already in progress in English regarding plans for proposed funding for the Indigenous Northern Games and teaching of the northern games and other topics of discussion such as COPE (The Committee of People’s…
The Federation North of 60 meeting is continued in English with discussion of the constitution and acknowledgement of the new member of parliament Wally Firth.
Felix Nuyaviak is telling about how the Inuvialuit lived a different life that he witnessed long ago when he was a boy followed by Kenneth Peeloolook who sends greetings then speaks personally to his daughter, part 1. To be continued.
Bessie Lennie is storytelling of when they first went to Ikaahuk, Banks Island when she was a young girl, of their’s and other’s travels for hunting, fishing, Easter, Christmas, of sharing and trading with visitors, of the traditional clothing…
Mary Kailek is storytelling of when they were at Avvaq, of various people, of mourning for her uncle Kimiksan, of her relations with others, of their travels including to Tuktoyaktuk and then to Aklavik, of her parents, and shares more fond memories…
Mary Kailek is continuing to share her memories from the previous story, of the supply ships that arrived with an abundance of food followed by feasting with gathering of Gwich’in, Inuvialuit, and Caucasians, of court, of her father working for…
Mary Kailek is sharing more life stories from long ago of their travels, shares some funny stories, of clean ice water, of she and other’s having to go to Aklavik for their tooth extractions, arrival of the Hudson Bay Boat, the numerous tents, and…
Mary Kailek is continuing her life stories sharing more memories of when she was younger when her dad worked with the Hudson Bay Company, when her mom would be sewing, of the rat sunday services, of her travels with her parents, of various people, of…
Elder Amos Tumma is storytelling about how Elders taught them how to live long ago, and speaks of foolish and wise ways of living and shares his wisdom and advice on the A Long Time Ago program.
Murielle Nagy and Agnes White interview Frank Carpenter who is telling personal and historical stories about he and other’s lifestyle long ago. Note : audio is sometimes low along with a bird chirping in the background. They also view and discuss…
Frank Cockney continues his final conversations with Freeman Kimiksana about past lifestyles and present lifestyle and cultural changes including traditional education versus modern education and employment, along with new government laws and hunting…
Frank Cockney is interviewing Freeman Kimiksana about Inuvialuit nomadic seasonal lifestyle long ago, including discussions on schooners, the various storekeepers, about hunting, and the fun large gatherings of games and dancing. The recording…
Frank Cockney is interviewing Freeman Kimiksana about his hunting and trapping traditional lifestyle when he was younger. They also discuss the healthy active lifestyle long ago compared to today’s spoiled lifestyle working for wages for the oil…
Frank Cockney continues interviewing Freeman Kimiksana about their traditional lifestyle long ago during the 1930’s to 1950’s era. Audio ends abruptly. Part 5A. To be continued.
Frank Cockney continues interviewing Freeman Kimiksana completing part 5 of lifestyle long ago including the early missions and stores trading and bringing staples from the South. Part 5B to be continued.
Frank Cockney continues interviewing Tom Avakgak about his travels, hunting, trapping, and life stories. Final Part 7 and part 8.
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