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Agnes White is interviewing Edith Haogak about where and how she and her family lived at various places long ago. Edith is also storytelling as she identifies many traditional place names.
Agnes White interviews David Nasogaluk about his traditional land use areas from long ago. David also tells some stories from long ago. Agnes White then begins storytelling from Storkeson Bay about where her grandfather and her family were living…
Agnes White interviews Edith Haogak who is also storytelling about their lifestyle and traditional land use areas when she was younger including stories about her parents, and more. Audio fades in and out sometimes.
Agnes White interviews Alexandria Elias who is storytelling about when she first went to Banksland as well as her lifestyle when she was younger. Part 1. To be continued.
Agnes White continues to interview Alexandria Elias who is storytelling about when she first went to Banksland and shares memories from her younger days. Final, part 2.
Agnes White is interviewing Sam Dick about his lifestyle long ago, and about where he lived and traveled. Sam also shares memories and stories from long ago. Interview was already in progress.
Agnes White interviews Albert Oliver about when he was traveling and living around Banksland as well as other places he and other’s traveled and lived, and more.
Agnes White is interviewing her mother, Persis Gruben, about when she was travelling and living around Banksland as well as other places where she and other’s travelled and lived, and more. Persis also shares memories and stories from long ago. …
Agnes White continues interviewing her mother about her lifestyle, her travels, and places she lived. Persis also shares more stories from long ago. Part 2. To be continued.
Agnes White completes her interview with her mother about her lifestyle, travels, and places she lived. Persis continues to share stories and memories from long ago. Final, part 3.
Mark Emerak is speaking about his faith and is also sharing some life stories as well as stories that he heard. Part 1. To be continued.
Audio starts with western music playing then Mark Emerak continues sharing some life stories as well as stories that he heard. Mark is also singing traditional songs. Part 2. To be continued.
Mark Emerak is completing his life stories as well as stories that he heard. Mark is also singing traditional songs. Final Part 3. An unidentified person also sings a short traditional song
Sam Oliktoak and Flossie Papigluk are sharing stories that were passed on for generations.
Michael Amos is being interviewed about his lifestyle long ago and of his travels. Michael also shares some stories from his younger days.
Robert Kuptana is interviewing Noah Akhiatak from Ulukhatok, N.T. about his opinions regarding a more fair representation with the Western Inuvialuit and the voting process with the I.T.C (Inuit Tapirisat of Canada). Interview is in English and…
Robert Kuptana is interviewing Wallace Goose from Ulukhatok, N.T. about his opinions on how to improve the ITC (Inuit Tapirisat of Canada) election processes and a more fair representation with the Inuvialuit, on the Inuit Development Corporation on…
Host of the People Speak CHAK radio, airs a prerecording of Rosie Albert who is speaking to Elders from Tuktoyaktuk, N.T. They are speaking about their thoughts, concerns, and opinions in regards to the oil companies proposal to build a road from Hay…
Elders, Rebecca Chicksi and Rosie Peeloolook send greetings and speak to family and friends in Alaska and in Canada on The People Speak.
Long Time Ago Host Ishmael Alunik airs recorded stories told by Inuvik Elders Ida Aleekuk and Rhoda Allen who are sharing stories from their younger days.
Elders, Ida Aleekuk, Rebecca Chicksi, Rosie Peeloolook, Elmira Soupay, and Sarah Kalinek speak to and send greetings to family and friends in Alaska and Canada on The People Speak.
Host Bob Sharpel interviews Inuvik biologist Lorraine Alison regarding concerns about the Government sponsored oil spill experiment .
Elders Rhoda Allen, Ida Aleekuk, and Rebecca Chicksi, send greetings and speak to family and friends in Alaska and Canada.
Inuvik Elder Madeline Smith send greetings and speak to family and friends in Alaska and Canada.
Alaskan Elder, Richard Tukli, shares a Bible story about Jesus followed by Alaskan Elders, Suzie Kasaak, Lucy Ahvuakana, Sarah Kunangnan, David Otoana, Samuel Kunangna, and Bessie Eriklok who speak to and send greetings to family and friends in…
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