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Donald Kaglik is continuing to share stories of his memories of his younger days of his travels, of staying in tents near Inuvik, of visiting and or visitors, of card games, of fun times, of fishnet fishing, of his dog team, of trapping, and of…
Donald Kaglik is continuing to share stories of his memories of his younger days of when he was just out of school, of his travels including travels with his dad, of his trapping and dog team adventures, of racing to town with his uncle, other dog…
Yesterday Before’s host Louie Goose airs Donald Kaglik who is sharing his memories of the winter and spring of 1956.
Cathy Cockney is completing the remainder of Dora Malegana’s genealogy then interviews Elizabeth Elanik about her family genealogy with help from interpreter Rosie Archie.

This is a drum dance song by William Mangilaluk to cousin, sung by Betty Algiuna Elias.
Frank Kuptana is storytelling about his earliest memories of traveling alone with his mother who was packing him, of hard times and good times, of his mom remarrying, of the gatherings, games, visiting, and dances, of their homes built, of hunting,…
A Long Time Ago host, Ishmael Alunik, airs Johnny Ruben storytelling. Johnny is telling a legend told by the Eastern Arctic Inuit about Shamans followed by a short story of their missing friend.
Cathy Cockney interviews Edgar Kotokak about his family genealogy with help from interpreter Agnes White.
Edgar Kotokak and Andy Cockney are telling oldtime stories including their lifestyle stories while speaking with the unidentified interviewer.
Edgar Kotokak then Jimmy Komeak are telling lifestyle stories and being interviewed by an unidentified interviewer.
Murielle Nagy and Agnes White continue interviewing Edith Haogak and Sarah Kuptana about traditional place names and about their lifestyle and stories from long ago. Edith and Sarah also identify people in the photos and share some genealogy.
Agnes White interviews Edith Haogak who is also storytelling about their lifestyle and traditional land use areas when she was younger including stories about her parents, and more. Audio fades in and out sometimes.
Agnes White interviews Edith Haogak about their families' traditional lifestyle long ago prior to European contact. Agnes White then begins storytelling and shares memories of her younger days.
Agnes White is interviewing Edith Haogak about where and how she and her family lived at various places long ago. Edith is also storytelling as she identifies many traditional place names.
Murielle Nagy and Jean Harry are interviewing Edith Haogak about the traditional areas that they were flying over. Edith also shares stories about the areas they were flying over. She also identifies the traditional areas where they lived and…
Host of A Native Voice Edward Lennie interviews Victor Allen and Sam Raddi about the COPE meeting and Imperial Oil’s proposed oil company work and hunting, fishing, and wildife concerns.
Cathy Cockney is interviewing Edward Ruben in English about his family genealogy. Edward is also shares memories and stories from his younger days.
Cathy Cockney is interviewing Edward Ruben about his Inuvialuktun drum dance songs. Edward also sings and explains what the Inuvialuktun drum songs mean.
Akłarvik Elder Alex Aalaak Irish is speaking and mentions that he’ll visit his aunty Kitty Kuutuuq Rolland in Inuvik and shares his dad Irish Kiuruga’s teaching of never to be angry at people and to look after the poor and or orphans, etc.
Elder Johnny Ruben is storytelling about how Inuvialuit people lived long ago, always busy preparing for hunting and fishing, and preserving food to last for the year, Christmas gatherings, and more.
Inuvik Elder Madeline Smith send greetings and speak to family and friends in Alaska and Canada.
A Long Time Ago host Ishmael Alunik airs Elder Ralph Kimiksana is storytelling about the traditional life long ago when he was younger. Ralph also talks about how people would help each other long ago without expecting payment unlike today.
Various Elders send Christmas and New Years Greetings from Inuvik, N.T.
Elders Betty Cockney, Ida Aleekuk, Ruth Alunik, and Peter Thrasher Send Greetings and Speak to Family and Friends on the Saturday Inuit Show.
Native Language Programming airs Donald Ir̂ituagayuk Sakiitualuq Kuvlualuk Kaglik and Felix Nuyaviak telling short old time stories. Donald is telling a comical story about the lost ring and Felix is is reminscing about how the many people of…
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