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This video shows interviews with Elders Joe Nasogalliak, Raddi Koiksak, Silas Kangegana, Emmanuel Felix, Joseph Avik, Sam Raddi, and Freeman Kimiksana from Tuktoyakuk who have all passed on. They each tell short stories from their lives.
This is a video of Elder Lena Wolki talking about her life growing up and living on the land. She tells stories about how they used to hunt, fish, trap and prepare and preserve food for the winter.
A video Bryan Trottier's tour of the ISR which shows images and clips from the communities he visited as well as Bryan speaking about his visit.
A video about the Elder Day Program at the Inuvik Regional Hospital which includes interviews with Jane McCarney (Coordinator, Elder Day Program) and Colette Sampson (Recreation Coordinator, Elder Day Program), as well as clips of Elders…
A video about the Elder Day Program at the Inuvik Regional Hospital which includes interviews with Jane McCarney (Coordinator, Elder Day Program) and Colette Sampson (Recreation Coordinator, Elder Day Program), as well as clips of Elders…
A video of Elders from the Beaufort Sea and Mackenzie Delta areas (who have passed away) telling stories from their past.
A video of Elders from Paulatuk and Holman (who have passed away) telling stories from their past.
This video shows the various competitions that were held during the 2003 Muskrat Jamboree in Inuvik. Competitions included: pass the orange, musical chairs, egg rages, sac races, etc.
This video depicts the 2004 Muskrat Jamboree in Inuvik. Features include: the Orange Pass Relay, Toothpick Pass Relay, Jigging, Balloon Busting Relay, etc.
A video documenting the Mad Trapper Rendevous in Aklavik. It includes games such as: nail driving, egg throw, and the egg and spoon race from various devisions.
This video presents the first, second, and third place winners of the 2004 Muskrat Jamboree in Inuvik.
A video documenting various musical performances the 2004 Muskrat Jamboree Talent show.
Interviews with elders Nora Ruben, Bertha Ruben, Albert Palvik, Alec Banksland, and Agnes Goose from Paulatuk who have all passed on. They each tell stories from their lives.
This video shows interviews with Elders Alexandria Elias, William Kuptana, and Michael Amos from Sachs Harbour who have all passed on. They each tell stories from their lives.
A video of bloopers from Suaangan.
Profiles of Roy Ipana and Rosie Albert.
This is a video of Elder Sarah Meyook telling a story her aunt told her about an incident between the Dene and Inuit that took place a long time ago at Running River. She also talks about what it was like living in Shingle Point when she was young…
Elder David Nasogaluak speaking about the history of the area in and around Tuktoyaktuk.
A video of Elder David Nasogaluak speaking about his experiences growing up, mostly relating to hunting and the people he remembers.
An interview Edgar Kotokak, who describes living in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region
Elder Elijah Allen Okpik tells his life story.
Elder Louie Paul describes life on the coast and in the Delta.
A video of interviews with artists and organisers at the 2004 Great Northern Arts Festival in Inuvik, Northwest Territories. The video also shows some of the art that was exhibited.
A video describing events and activities on Ocean's Day in 2004 in Holman.
An interview with Inuvik elder Maureen Elias.
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