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The first part of this video shows Sandra Ipana teaching Inuvialuktun to elementary students at Sir Alexander Mackenzie School in Inuvik. The second part of this video is an interview with Pauline Gordon about a teacher’s conference at Samuel…
A video of interviews with Charlene Alexander, executive director of the 1992 Great Northern Arts Festival, and Daniel Qitsualik, who came to help the artists from Gjoa Haven, Nunavut. Charlene talks about the logistics of running the festival and…
This video shows events from the Inuit Circumpolar Conference which took place in Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk in July 1992. It includes a parade, drum dancing, throat singing, and performances by Susan Aglukark, Charlie Adams, and Kashtin.
A video of elders sending Christmas and New Year’s greetings in 1992 and some performances from the 1989 Moose Kerr School Christmas Concert in Aklavik.
The first part of this video shows John Pederson, from Greenland, performing tricks and maneuvers with his kayak. The second part of the video shows a variety of musical and dance performances by entertainers from Greenland on an outdoor stage during…
A video of people and groups expressing Christmas and New Year's greetings to friends and family (in English and Inuvialuktun) and singing Christmas Carols.
A video of elders speaking about past Christmases and people sending Christmas and New Year's greetings.
A video of people sending Christmas and New Year's greetings, elders speaking about past Christmases, and part of the Sir Alexander Mackenzie School (SAMS) Christmas concert.
Grade 3 and 4 students from Sir Alexander Mackenzie school leave for three days and two nights to a cultural camp to learn basic survival skills, firearms awareness, cultural elements, etc.
Events at the Kingaluk Jamboree in Ulukhaktok including: bannock making, musical performances, jigging, etc.
This is a video about Inuvialuktun language camps held on the land in the summer. It includes interviews with people talking about the camps and shows children learning Inuvialuktun and how to live on the land.
This video shows the 6th Elders Conference, which took place during the Inuit Circumpolar Conference (ICC) in Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk in July 1992. It includes clips of people speaking at the conference as well as various performances.
A video of drum dancing performances from the 1992 Inuit Circumpolar Conference. The video is narrated in Inuvialuktun.
This video shows the third day of the 1992 Inuit Circumpolar Conference (ICC) in Inuvik. It includes clips of different delegates speaking at the conference and is largely in Inuvialuktun without subtitles.
This is a video of the first day of the 1992 Inuit Circumpolar Conference (ICC) in Inuvik. It shows clips of different performances and scenes from the conference. It is almost entirely in Inuvialuktun without subtitles.
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