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Donald Kaglik retells his Uncle Kimiksan's story. Morris Nigiyok speaks of past winter and summer camps, festivals, games, and family.
William Kuptana, Agnes Nanogak Goose, and Edward Ruben speak of Elder traditions.
Agnes Semmler speaks of life and family in the Mackenzie Delta. Agnes Goose explains the art and process of printmaking in Holman.
A segment on Wayne Merry, a search and rescue trainer, and explanations of the techniques used in these emergencies. He explains how traditional knowledge is invaluable in the recovery of lost individuals. Good Times Band members James Rogers,…
Bertha Allen women's and native rights advocate, and recipient of Governor General's Award in Commemoration of the Persons Case, speaks about growing up in a small community, education, and the future. Edward Ruben, feature Elder, talks about life in…
Floyd Roland discussion on the events in the Yellowknife legislature. Ends with performance by the Good Time Band.
A video depicting cultural games; fishing techniques.
Updates from all Inuvialuit Community Corporations. Interview with Inuvialuit Regional Corporation Chair and Chief Executive Director, Nellie Cournoyea.
A program that explores multiple stories within the region. Tour of Moose Kerr School under renovation. Feature Elder, Ruth Negeonak tells story about hunting caribou. Community Health forum.
Interview with Hillary Greening of Parks Canada regarding the review of the Ivavik Park Plan. Interviews with community members about fishing conservation. Feature Elder, Mary Evik Ruben, tells the story of when she first say an airplane.
Segment on converting to natural gas; Inuit Circumpolar Conference interviews; feature Elder, Frank Kuluk, tells a story about traveling in the Beaufort Delta Region; update from the Beaufort Delta Self-Government Office.
Segments sharing the culture, tradition, and tourist attractions of the region. Updates on natural gas adoption.
Segment on the Language Terminology Development Workshop.
Segments on how culture, tradition, and language are taught to school children.
Segments included are a self government update with Bob Simpson; feature Elder, Leonard Harry; Game Council update Duane Smith; Elders fitness club.

99 09 S Parks Canada Inuvik Video Nunaptigun Qimaksavut Billy Day Dennis Inglangasak-H
Parks Canada Inuvik Video; Nunaptigun Qimaksavut; Billy Day Dennis Inglangasak.
Recent happenings on the Beaufort Delta; Inuvialuit Regional Corporation update with Nellie Cournoyea; Interview with Floyd Roland, Deputy Premier of NWT and Minister responsible for Seniors; Drum dancing history, current state.
A segment on the Aklavik Science Fair at Moose Kerr School.
A video of Elders Raddi Koiksak and Edward Ruben speaking in Inuvialuktun.
The entertainment portion of the 1998 Ulukhaktok's annual Kingalik Jamboree featuring drum dancing and musical performances.
Events at the 1999 Kingalik Jamboree in Ulukhaktok. Highlights include: potluck dinner, musical performances, jigging, and games.
A video showing various events and awards ceremonies from the 1999 Kitikmeot Northern Games in Ulukhaktok (Holman).
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