Radio host, Ishmael Alunik, introduces Abe Auktalik Okpik who interviews Elder Elijah Harley about his hunting and trapping, in his younger days, sparked by a public meeting the day before.
Agnes White is sharing stories from various locations. She is telling stories that were told to her from mother Persis Gruben, of when they first went to Banks Island. Agnes then begins to share her own stories from her younger days.
Agnes White interviews Albert Oliver about when he was traveling and living around Banksland as well as other places he and other’s traveled and lived, and more.
Agnes White interviews Alexandria Elias who is storytelling about when she first went to Banksland as well as her lifestyle when she was younger. Part 1. To be continued.
Alice Agnaoyak is continuing her stories of her younger days of polar bear hunting with her parents and her husband, of an airplane story, of food poisoning resulting in illnesses and deaths, and more. Part 3. To be continued.
Cathy Cockney is interviewing Aliknak Banksland about his family genealogy with some help from an unidentified interpreter. Cathy also interviews Aliknak about he and his family’s lifestyles longago.
Elder Amos Tumma is storytelling about some of his earliest memories of his family, others families, and stories from long ago of how he and other Inuvialuit lived, their struggles, hardships and survival during their travels on the A Long Time Ago…
Elder Amos Tumma is storytelling about several life stories of missionaries, bowhead whalers, drinking, shoot outs, White miners, murder, a comical weasal story, and more on the A Long Time Ago program.
Annie and Adam Emaghok are being interviewed about their lifestyles long ago. They also share stories and memories from their younger days. The interviewer also shares some oldtime stories.
Elder Amos Tumma is storytelling about when boats were iced in, when bowhead whaling season was done, of their travels, of trapping and hunting, then continuing their sailing journey after the winter, and making their way to the trading posts to…
Long Time Ago host Ishmael Alunik continues his stories of he and others move to Inuvik, N.T. formally called East Three, where people were trained and employed when they were building the new town of Inuvik. Stories include when they were building…
Long Time Ago host Ishmael Alunik continues his stories of when Inuvik was first being built with rapid lifestyle changes affecting everyone. Jessie Amos is interviewed in English about the bannock and tea boiling contest, followed by Ishmael…
Agnes White interviews David Nasogaluk about his traditional land use areas from long ago. David also tells some stories from long ago. Agnes White then begins storytelling from Storkeson Bay about where her grandfather and her family were living…
Donald Kaglik is continuing to share stories of his memories of his younger days of his travels, of staying in tents near Inuvik, of visiting and or visitors, of card games, of fun times, of fishnet fishing, of his dog team, of trapping, and of…
Donald Kaglik is continuing to share stories of his memories of his younger days of when he was just out of school, of his travels including travels with his dad, of his trapping and dog team adventures, of racing to town with his uncle, other dog…
Agnes White interviews Edith Haogak about their families' traditional lifestyle long ago prior to European contact. Agnes White then begins storytelling and shares memories of her younger days.
Agnes White is interviewing Edith Haogak about where and how she and her family lived at various places long ago. Edith is also storytelling as she identifies many traditional place names.
Murielle Nagy and Jean Harry are interviewing Edith Haogak about the traditional areas that they were flying over. Edith also shares stories about the areas they were flying over. She also identifies the traditional areas where they lived and…
Elder Johnny Ruben is storytelling about how Inuvialuit people lived long ago, always busy preparing for hunting and fishing, and preserving food to last for the year, Christmas gatherings, and more.
Long Time Ago Host Ishmael Alunik airs recorded stories told by Inuvik Elders Ida Aleekuk and Rhoda Allen who are sharing stories from their younger days.