Elder Amos Tumma is storytelling about Inuvialuit and Inupiat culture and way of life long ago before and after the arrival of the bowhead whalers, trading, and the trading post era on the A Long Time Ago program.
Elder Amos Tumma is storytelling about long ago Kittigaar̂ungmiut, Utqalungmiut, Qikiqarr̂ungmiut, and Uummarmiut culture and way of life long ago before and after the arrival of the bowhead whalers, trading, and the trading post era.
The People Speak host Rosie Albert interiews Michael Amos, Bessie Amos, and Susie Tiktalik about the Elder’s prophecy of White people coming to Canada and taking over and polluting land and waters as their own. The Elders also talk about oil…
Mabel Steffanson is continuing to tell her life stories of her younger days of she and her family’s travels, of gathering eggs, fishing, a lot of deaths due to the big flu, of fun times, and more. Final, part 5.
Kenneth Peeloolok continues his storytelling of he and his family’s travels and adventures when making their journey to Canada from Alaska, Part 4. To be continued.
Alexandria Elias interviews Susie Tiktalik about her life stories prior to being married, of their nomadic lifestyle, traditions, superstitions, hunting methods, traditional food, gatherings, clothing and tools, means of transportation, shamans,…