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  • Subject is exactly "Tingmiak, Sarah"

Sarah Tingmiak.jpg
A photo of Elder Sarah Tingmiak.

A photo of Sarah Tingmiak sitting at a desk and working with fur.

A photo of nine people standing together holding awards of achievement. Front row (left to right): Sarah Mangelana, Bessie Wolki, Sarah Tingmiak, Kathleen Hansen, Hope Gordon, Alex Gordon, and Emmanuel Felix. Back row (left to right): Billy Day and…

A photo of Sarah Tingmiak holding an award.

A photo of drum dancers performing on a roadway. Back Row (left to right): George Harry, Martha Harry, Sarah Tingmiak, Jean Arey, and Cathy Cockney. Dancer: Abel Tingmiak.

A photo of drum dancers performing in a parade in Inuvik. The photo includes: Sarah Tingmiak, Abel Tingmiak, George Harry, C. Cockney, and Martha Harry.

A photo of three people performing a drum dance outside. From left to right: Sarah Tingmiak, Martha Harry, and George Harry.

A photo of Mackenzie dancers performing a dance. From left to right: Sarah Mangelana, Ralph Kimiksana, and Sarah Tingmiak.

A group photo of drummers and dancers at the Inuit Spirit of the Arctic Exhibit. Back row: Abel Tingmiak, Phillip Elanik, and William Day. Middle row: Cathy Cockney, Scott Kasook, Kelly Ovayuak, Jimmy Meyook, Wilbert Papik, Donna Bernhardt, and…
A video of different drum dance performances created to help people learn the drum dances and songs.
A video of Christmas and New Year's greetings sent from Inuvik.
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