Host of The People Speak Inuit, Rosie Albert is providing news in the beginning then in between speakers, followed by John Ruben who is telling old time stories. (The audio is very bad and cuts in and out when John is speaking). Allen Soosuk is…
Michael Amos is storytelling about when he was travelling on the land with his dog team, and the challenges he over came, until he made it back home safely on the A Long Time Ago program hosted by John Holman.
Alice Agnaoyak is storytelling of when she was a small child, of always going out hunting with her father, of hunting stories and more. Part 1. To be continued.
Frank Cockney is storytelling of when he was a young man and newly married, of his dogs and dog team, of hunting and trapping stories, of Mangilaauk passing away, and more. Note: Unidentified singer/speaker around the 25 minute mark. Part 7 and 8. …
CHAK’s A Long Time Ago host Louie Goose introduces Jim Wolki and Father Le Meur where Jim is telling part five of The Long Crossing story in English. To be continued.
Native Language Programming airs Donald Ir̂ituagayuk Sakiitualuq Kuvlualuk Kaglik and Felix Nuyaviak telling short old time stories. Donald is telling a comical story about the lost ring and Felix is is reminscing about how the many people of…
Donald Kaglik is continuing to share stories of his memories of his younger days of when he was just out of school, of his travels including travels with his dad, of his trapping and dog team adventures, of racing to town with his uncle, other dog…
Buster Kailek is storytelling about how Inuvialuit lived prior to European contact, about how they made fire long ago, about fishing, about caribou hunting methods prior to modern guns with his uncle and others, about all the many uses of caribou for…
Mary Kailek is storytelling about her life stories from her younger days, of her father, of her grandfather, of some comical stories, of trading piffi (dryfish) for staples with the police who arrived by boat, of various visitors, of learning how to…
Mary Kailek is storytelling from the 1937 era, of when she was doing a lot of sewing, of visitors and listening to storytelling in the evenings, of their travels for Christmas and New Years, stories of her dad and Joe trapping and hunting stories, of…
A Long Time Ago host Louie Goose airs Joe Nasogaluak storytelling part two of Kublualuk, The Flying Shaman and translated into English by Father Le Meur.
A Long Time Ago host Louie Goose airs Joe Nasogaluak storytelling about his life stories from November 1922 to March 1923 then from March 1923 to September 1923.
Kenneth Peeloolook is storytelling about Stefansson’s iced in ship that sunk and how they were able to survive with Inupiaq guides followed by a short personal life story
Alexandria Elias interviews Susie Tiktalik about when she was a young girl, and sharing stories that she remembers from long ago prior to European arrival. Final Part 2.