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Cessna 185 on Sea Ice
A photo of a Cessna 185 airplane and people on sea ice in Paulatuk.
Chisel in Ice at Hornaday River During Snowstorm, 1973
A photo of a chisel stuck upright in the ice near fishing holes at Hornaday River.
En Route to Hornaday River, Jonah Nakimayak
A photo of Jonah Nakimayak driving boat en route to Hornaday River near Paulatuk.
Hornaday River Big Storm at Test Fishing Campsite, November 1973
A photo of a test fishing campsite with tent, sleds, and snowmobile during a snowstorm at Hornaday River.
Hornaday River Canyon
Photos of the canyons at Hornaday River with the ocean in the distance.
Hornaday River Canyon
A photo of the canyons at Hornaday River.
Hornaday River Canyon
A photo of the Hornaday River Canyon in July 1975.
Hornaday River During Snowstorm, 1973
A photo from the mouth of Hornaday River with blowing snow and hill cliffs in background.
Hornaday River Fisheries Fellow Greg McInnen at Fishing Hole
A photo of Greg McInnen kneeling near a fishing hole with a pot in hand at Hornaday River, 1973.
Hornaday River Snowstorm While Test Fishing
A photo of two people on Hornaday River ice while test fishing during a snowstorm.
Hornaday River Test Fishing Campsite During Snowstorm
A photo of a Hornaday River test fishing campsite in the middle of a snowstorm with a view of blowing snow creating sun haze.
Hornaday River Test Fishing During Snowstorm, 1973
A photo of a person kneeling by a fishing hole at Hornaday River during a snowstorm in 1973.
Hornaday River Test Fishing Excursion Campsite
A photo of a campsite at Hornaday River with a tent, sleds, and a snowmobile parked in the foreground during snowstorm.
Jonah Nakimayak Boating
Photos of Jonah Nakimayak driving boat en route to Hornaday River.
Kid in House During July 1975
A photo of a child sitting at table in Paulatuk in July 1975.
Mouth of Hornaday River
A photo of the mouth of the Hornaday River near Paulatuk with the ocean in the distance in September of 1973.
Naomi and "Joe-Joe" (Jonah Nakimayak)
A photo of Jonah Nakimayak with Naomi (Japanese dog team traveller), in Paulatuk.
Naomi and Dog
A photo of Naomi (dog team traveller from Japan) sitting on sled beside a dog in Paulatuk.
Naomi, Japanese Dog Team Traveller
A photo of Japanese traveller, Naomi, with dogsled in Paulatuk. Travelled by dog team from Greenland Dec '74; arrive Cambridge Bay June '75, depart Cambridge Bay Nov '75; arrive Paulatuk Feb '76; heading for Alaska (Feb '76).
Naomi, Japanese Dog Team Traveller
A photo of Naomi sitting on dogsled beside a dog in Paulatuk.
Naomi, Japanese Dog Team Traveller
A photo of Naomi sitting on a dogsled beside a dog in Paulatuk.
Naomi, Japanese Dog Team Traveller
A photo of Naomi (dog team traveller from Japan) in Paulatuk during winter 1976.
Naomi, Japanese Dog Team Traveller
A photo of Naomi (dog team traveller from Japan) holding rope in Paulatuk during winter 1976.
Naomi, Japanese Dog Team Traveller
A photo of Naomi (a dog team traveller from Japan) handling rope connected to his dogsled while a boy on left walks by during winter in Paulatuk.
On the way to Hornaday River with Boat
A photo from the bow of a boat onlooking ice by open water while on the way to Hornaday River.
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