A photo of a man dancing with drummers in the background at the Signing Ceremony in Sachs. The photo includes: Silas K. , Old Raddi Kowachuk, Alex Gordon, Amos Paul, Ralph Kimiksana, and Jean Arey.
The photo shows a group of people sitting and standing up with lots of bags around them, waiting for something. The photo includes Billy Day, Kathleen Hansen, Maggie Day, Hope Gordon, Amos Paul.
A photo of Mackenzie drummers and dancers sitting on chairs waiting to perform. The photo includes: Alex Gordon, Jean Gruben (?), Amos Paul, Sarah Kalinek, an unidentified person, and Hope Gordon.
A photo of Mackenzie drummers and dancers taking a break. The photo includes: Danny A. Gordon, Alex Gordon, Amos Paul, an unidentified person, Kathleen Hansen, and Hope Gordon.