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  • Subject is exactly "Meetings"
Long Time Ago host Ishmael Alunik continues his stories of when Inuvik was first being built with rapid lifestyle changes affecting everyone. Jessie Amos is interviewed in English about the bannock and tea boiling contest, followed by Ishmael…
Radio host, Ishmael Alunik, introduces Abe Auktalik Okpik who interviews Elder Elijah Harley about his hunting and trapping, in his younger days, sparked by a public meeting the day before.
Sam Raddi is speaking about the Land Claims meeting down South followed by various Elders speaking to family and friends and sending greetings. Father Le Meur speaking about CHAK, and Peter Thrasher shares the issues and concerns that he spoke out…
Inuit Nipait host Victor Allen is provding local and regional news and encourges Inuvialuit to speak up and make their voices heard at meetings and to attend meetings that pertain to them. He also encourages Inuvialuit to create and translate songs…
Host Victor Allen and Sam Raddi are talking about the proposed CBC Radio Licence and the Oil Company Panarctic Community Consultations. Kitty Kuutuuk Rolland speaks to her younger brother Ir̂igaaqtuaq Old Archie then sings a First Nation Song. …
Elders AliceThrasher, Ruth Alunik, and Kenneth Peeloolook are speaking to and sending greetings to family and friends and Kenneth is also telling stories about how Inuvialuit people lived long ago, as early as 1902 and 1917. Emma Dick is also…
Frank Cockney is giving a COPE report about the national meeting he and two others attended in Toronto, Ontario.
A Long Time Ago host Louie Goose airs Joe Nasogaluak storytelling about his life stories from November 1922 to March 1923 then from March 1923 to September 1923.
Host of the A Long Time Ago program, Louie Goose, airs Silas Kangegana storytelling of his reindeer herding experiences as they headed home, and their adventures followed by Father Le Meur's translation of Silas Kangegana’s reindeer herding days…
Persis Gruben is continuing her lifestyle stories comparing the numerous changes and coming to terms with a changing way of life that her generation encountered affecting things like: lifestyle changes, cleanliness and caring for the land,…
Frank Cockney is storytelling for the next generations to hear, and says this generation is different, of when he went to Tuktoyaktuk, of learning about the animals and fish and the traditional lifestyle from his grandparents, of when he was younger,…
Inserts from Indigenous language programs: speakers include Kenneth Peeloolook?, Edward Lennie, Neil Collin, Roddy Peters with Inuvialuktun show Host Victor Allen who is also providing news and messages and announcements in Inuvialuktun. Radio…

A photo of several people sitting at a meeting table. The photo includes Freda Whiteside and Randall Pokiak.

A photo of three men at a table signing a document for the Inuvialuit-Inupiat Beluga Agreement.

A photo of Eddie Dillon, Freda Lester, DM Parks, and Peter Coolican signing papers at the Inuvialuit Beaufort Service office.

A photo of the Lyle Trimble Action Group at a table. From left to right: Glenna Hansen, Jimmy Jacobson, David Storr, and Lyle Trimble.

A photo of four men at a table during the Inuvialuit-Inupiat Polar Bear Management Agreement meetings.

A photo of a group of men sitting at a table and having a meeting inside of a wooden building. From left to right: Vince Teddy, Alex Aviugana, Roger Gruben, Knute Hansen, and an unidentified person.

A photo of five people sitting at desks while listening to a speaker. Front row, left to right: an unidentified person, Roger Gruben, an unidentified person, Alex Avuigana, and an unidentified person.

A photo of four men sitting at a meeting table. From left to right: Vince Teddy, an unidentified person, Bob Simpson, and an unidentified person.

A photo of several people sitting at tables during a meeting about the Partnership in Literacy. The photo includes Lorenza Elanik and Shirley Kisoun.

A photo of six people looking at a map during a presentation.

Photograph of a meeting assembly of people gathered around in tables.

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Photograph of a people in a small room for a meeting.

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Photograph of meeting participants gathered outside by river bank.


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