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  • Subject is exactly "Igloos"
This is a video of Elder William Kagyut and Elder Jean Kagyut talking about how they grew up on the land. They talk about hunting, fishing, food preservation, and some of the places they lived.
This is a video of Elder William Kagyut and Elder Jean Kagyut talking about how they grew up on the land. They talk about hunting, fishing, food preservation, and some of the places they lived.
Alexandria Elias interviews Susie Tiktalik who shares her personal life stories of when she just got married, prior to having her children. She then tells other stories prior to being married of summer gatherings, nomadic traditional Inuvialuit…
Sarah Kuptana continues to tell more stories of when she was a young woman with her young family, their struggles after she and her husband survive tb (tuberculosis), in trying to re-establish a new life and trying to find their place in a harsh cold…
Bessie Lennie is storytelling of when they first went to Ikaahuk, Banks Island when she was a young girl, of their’s and other’s travels for hunting, fishing, Easter, Christmas, of sharing and trading with visitors, of the traditional clothing…

The image shows a Seal Oil Lamp in a Snow House, along with other dishes.

The snowhouses where 18 people lived. This was the first day the sun came back, the temperature was minus 35 degrees F.

The image shows Louie Uniyak standing in front of a snow house.

The image shows Louie Uniyak & wife Lucy Utuayuq standing by some snow houses.

The image shows Peter Esau in overnight snow house on hunting trip 20 miles out.

The images shows Peter Esau's gear inside overnight snow house on hunting trip 20 miles out.

The image shows William Kuptana standing outside by a snowhouse.

The image shows a village of snowhouses by DeSalis Bay.

The image shows a Seal Oil Lamp inside a snow house with a few other things.

The image shows a snow house in Sachs Harbour.

The image shows Lennie Inglangasuk snowhouse. Credit: Martha Harry

A photo of a few winter snow houses and a couple of dog teams. Credit: Martha Harry

The image shows a few men sitting on a dog sled in traditional clothes with snowhouses and tents in the background. Left to Right: Herbert Allen, Alec Stefansson, Owen Okpik Allen, Sam Lennie (hold by Owen Okpik), Collin Allen, Alberta Lennie …

A photo of Hiruna (Susie Tiktalik's brother, Annie Kunana's husband) standing in front of a snow house.

A photo of Hiruna (Susie Tiktalik's brother, Annie Kunana's husband) standing in front of a snow house.

A photo of Christine Banksland standing in front of a snow house.

A photo of Povautag (Susie Tiktalik’s brother born in Banks Is.) and dog Qavuraq.

A photo of Povautag (Susie Tiktalik’s brother born in Banks Is.) and dog Qavuraq.

A photo of three young men in traditional clothing standing in front of a snowhouse. The photo includes the “Chicksi and sons”: William Saumik, Gerard Chick-sigaluk, and Tommy Niulurana.

A photo of a couple of snowhouses and a tent.
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