Eva Raddi is being interviewed about her lifestyle long ago by an unidentified interviewer followed by Noah Felix who is also being interviewed about his lifestyle long ago. They also share personal life stories.
Elder Amos Tumma is storytelling of hunting and travelling stories including when he hauled freight for the Hudson Bay Company and when the missionaries started heading to the Eastern Arctic.
A Long Time Ago’s CHAK host Louie Goose airs the final Part 2 of a 1957 recording by Bernard Brown who interviews Jake Jacobson of Aklavik, N.T. Jake is telling stories about his life and some of his experiences when he was trapping and living in…
Kenneth Peeloolook continues his storytelling from 1902 and 1921, of their travels, adventures, caribou hunting experiences, drumming, singing, and dancing, arrival of the White Bowhead Whalers, along with alcohol, mining, employment, and much more, …
Morris Nigiyok is telling stories of his younger days of his many travels, his hunting and trapping trips, the various families, his marriage, Christmas and Easter celebrations, ministerial visits, the fun times and the not so fun times, and more.
Morris Nigiyok is telling stories of his younger days of he and his family’s travels and of hunting polar bears with his hunting companions and their dog teams, part 1, to be continued.
Persis Gruben continues storytelling about her younger days with her parents, of she and her family’s many travels, of fishing, hunting and gathering for food when living a traditional nomadic life,. She also speaks of fatal illness, of when the…
CHAK’s A Long Time Ago host Louie Goose introduces Jim Wolki and Father Le Meur where Jim is telling part two of The Long Crossing story in English. To be continued.
Host of the A Long Time Ago program, Louie Goose, airs Father Le Meur translating Silas Kangegana’s story about times of hunger, suffering and survival in Alaska during a time of wildlife shortage, trading at the trading post, and gaining…
Host of the A Long Time Ago program, Louie Goose, airs Father Le Meur translating the final part of Silas Kangegana’s story about times of hunger, suffering and survival in Alaska during a time of wildlife shortage, trading at the trading post, and…