Browse Items (13 total)

  • Subject is exactly "Harry, George"

A photo of several people celebrating Martha Harry's fiftieth birthday. The photo includes: 1. Willie Stefansson, 2. Wanda Stefansson, 3. Charles Elias, 4. Valerie Stefannson, 5. Unidentified Person, 6. George Harry, 7. Pam Harry, 8. Lillian Elias,…

A photo of the Inuvik Delta Drummers and Dancers wearing traditional clothing. Front row (left to right): Tara Cardinal (Day) and Carla Smith. Middle row (left to right): Martha Harry, Annie Aleekuk, and Cathy Cockney. Back row (left to right):…

A photo of Abel Tingmiak dancing. Drummers: (front row, left to right): Martha Harry, William Day, Wilbert Papik, and George Harry. Back row (left to right): Tara Cardinal (Day), Carla Smith, Cathy Cockney, and Annie Aleekuk.

A photo of drummers and singers from the Inuvik Delta Drummers and Dancers. Front row (left to right): William Day, Wilbert Papik, and George Harry. Back row (left to right): Tara Cardinal (Day), Carla Smith, Cathy Cockney, Martha Harry, and Annie…

A photo of drummers (left) and dancers (right). Drummers (front row, left to right): Abel Tingmiak, William Day, Wilbert Papik, and George Harry. Back row (left to right): Tara Cardinal (Day), Carla Smith, and Martha Harry. Dancers (left to right):…

A photo of drummers from the Inuvik Delta Drummers and Dancers. Front row (left to right): Abel Tingmiak, William Day, Wilbert Papik, and George Harry. Back row (left to right): Tara Cardinal (Day), Carla Smith, Annie Aleekuk, Martha Harry, and Cathy…

A photo of drum dancers performing on a roadway. Back Row (left to right): George Harry, Martha Harry, Sarah Tingmiak, Jean Arey, and Cathy Cockney. Dancer: Abel Tingmiak.

A photo of drum dancers performing on a parade float. The photo includes Martha Harry and George Harry.

A photo of drum dancers performing in a parade in Inuvik. The photo includes: Sarah Tingmiak, Abel Tingmiak, George Harry, C. Cockney, and Martha Harry.

A photo of drummers and dancers outside of the IRC building waiting to perform. The photo includes: Wilbert Papik, William Day (?), Donna Pemberton (Arey), George Harry, Jimmy Meyook, and Elsa Boudreau.

A photo of three people performing a drum dance outside. From left to right: Sarah Tingmiak, Martha Harry, and George Harry.

A photo of Elders George and Martha Harry.

A photo of Elder George Harry sitting on a couch.
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