Cathy Cockney interviews Martha Harry about her family genealogy. Martha, George Harry, Winnie Cockney, and Leonard Harry also share stories from long ago. Winnie and Leonard also converse in the background.
Shirley Elias and Murielle Nagy interview Jimmy Memogana about his lifestyle and his travels long ago, as well as stories from his younger days. Jimmy also sings a song in Inuvialuktun. They also discuss traditional place names.
Shirley Elis interviews Sam Oliktoak who also shares stories about his lifestyle and memories from his younger days. Note: At times there was a lot of background noise making it hard to hear including some traditional place names.
Shirley Elias interviews Frank Kuptana about his lifestyle from his younger days, his genealogy, and he shares stories from long ago. Part 1. To be continued.
Shirley Elias interviews Jean Ogina about her lifestyle from her younger days, her genealogy, and she shares stories from long ago. Shirley then interviews William Kagyut about his life, his genealogy, and he also shares stories from long ago and…
Shirley interviews Jean and William who also shares memories and stories from his younger days. Shirley then interviews Robert Kuptana about his genealogy, about his lifestyle from his younger days, and about Aulavik Park. Robert also shares some…
Cathy Cockney is interviewing Christina and Emmanuel Felix about their family Genealogy in English. Emmanuel also explains how he is closely related to Jim Greenland, Joe Greenland, and Donald Greenland’s Gwich’in families in Aklavik. They also…
Cathy Cockney is completing the remainder of Dora Malegana’s genealogy then interviews Elizabeth Elanik about her family genealogy with help from interpreter Rosie Archie.
Murielle Nagy and Agnes White are viewing photographs with Sarah Kuptana and Edith Haogak for identification purposes as well as viewing maps and naming the traditional place names. They also interview them about their genealogy and and life…
Murielle Nagy and Agnes White interview John Lucas Sr about his genealogy, his lifestyle, and life stories. The second half of the recording is a repeat of the first half of the recording.