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  • Subject is exactly "Egg Gathering"
Shirley interviews Jean and William who also shares memories and stories from his younger days. Shirley then interviews Robert Kuptana about his genealogy, about his lifestyle from his younger days, and about Aulavik Park. Robert also shares some…
Mary Kailek is storytelling of her many travels, of various people, of the types of animals harvested, of her concerns of the new wildlife officer’s regulations and governance during that era, clothing and other items made from animal skins, of…
Joe Nasogaluak is storytelling about his life stories during the year 1924 including when he was sick that year with the flu. Part 1. To be continued. Note: The audio is very low so it’s hard to hear what he is saying for the last ten to eleven…
Mabel Steffanson is continuing to tell her life stories of her younger days of traveling to the Mackenzie Delta, of being happy to use her brother’s dog team, and more. Part 4. To be continued.
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