Michael Amos is storytelling about when he was travelling on the land with his dog team, and the challenges he over came, until he made it back home safely on the A Long Time Ago program hosted by John Holman.
CHAK The People Speak host Rosie Albert interviews Joe Nasogaluk about the oil company’s proposal for oil exploration and blasting around Tuktuur̂aqtuuq.
Host of The People Speak Inuit, Rosie Albert is providing news in the beginning then in between speakers, followed by John Ruben who is telling old time stories. (The audio is very bad and cuts in and out when John is speaking). Allen Soosuk is…
Mary Kailek is storytelling of when she recovered from her illness and went to pick up Joe from the hospital with her dogteam, of the numerous people that were sick and some who passed away, with the hospital in Aklavik being full including the…
Frank Cockney is storytelling of when he was a young man and newly married, of his dogs and dog team, of hunting and trapping stories, of Mangilaauk passing away, and more. Note: Unidentified singer/speaker around the 25 minute mark. Part 7 and 8. …
Donald Kaglik is continuing to share stories of his memories of his younger days of his travels, of staying in tents near Inuvik, of visiting and or visitors, of card games, of fun times, of fishnet fishing, of his dog team, of trapping, and of…