Alice Agnaoyak is completing her final life story of their nomadic lifestyle when she was young, of being very fearful when she first saw people drinking alcohol, of when the Dewline was first starting up, and more. Final, Part 9.
Alice Agnaoyak is telling stories of she and her husband’s trapping and traveling days when the Dewline first started up, of polar bear encounter stories, caribou hunting stories, many travels and much more. Part 4. To be continued.
Elders AliceThrasher, Ruth Alunik, and Kenneth Peeloolook are speaking to and sending greetings to family and friends and Kenneth is also telling stories about how Inuvialuit people lived long ago, as early as 1902 and 1917. Emma Dick is also…
Frank Cockney is speaking with unidentified interviewer about his lifestyle long ago from his younger days followed by Andy Cockney who also shares personal lifestories from his younger days. Another unidentified speaker occasionally adds to the…
Frank Cockney is storytelling of his travels including to Aklavik where alcohol purchases were just opened to Indigenous people after initially only Caucasians were allowed to purchase alcohol from the Liquor store, of hauling stuff for Fred…
Frank Cockney is storytelling of when he was working for the oil company in Tuktoyaktuk, of his holidays, and of when he’d work on first winter road construction in 1967, of working with Caucasion people, of when he began working for the land…
Elder Johnny Ruben is storytelling about some Eastern Arctic families migrating west, a fatal illness, hardships, priests, Paulatuk starting up, as well as personal stories of his grandparents, and more. To be continued.
Persis Gruben is storytelling about when she lived a nomadic lifestyle with her parents then later moving to Tuktoyaktuk, of travelling with dogteams and use of dogs. Persis also shares stories of when they first got skidoos, of hunting and trapping…
Persis Gruben is sharing stories of the many changes she has witnessed in her life such as living a nomadic lifestyle out on the land to community permanent living, prior to European contact such as: the fast skidoos, of languages, of the…
Persis Gruben is continuing her storytelling of their travels with their families, of moving to Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories, of various animals harvested, of the different schooners, of the various places she lived, and of how people long ago…
Murielle Nagy and Agnes White continue interviewing Sarah Kuptana and Edith Haogak about their lifestyles and stories from their younger days followed by an interview with Andy Carpenter about his lifestyle, stories, and memories from his younger…