A photo of Nellie Cournoyea from Inuvik and Willie Hensley who is Alaska's State Senator from Kotzebue having a conversation at the Eskimo Olympics in Fairbanks Alaska.
Coverage of the first annual Wallace Goose award ceremony in Tuktoyaktuk. Recipients are Nellie Cournoyea, Agnes Semmler, and and Agnes Goose (Nanogak).
This is a video of the graduation ceremony for the Aurora College-Yukon College Early Childhood Development Certificate program and high school graduate, Angus Dillon. It was held at Angik School in Paulatuk, Northwest Territories and includes…
Jim Guthrie (Arctic Oil and Gas Services), Rob Hunt (Akita Drilling), and Nellie Cournoyea discuss the recent renewal of interest in the north from oil and gas companies.