Alice Agnaoyak is reminiscing of the fun nomadic lifestyle they used to live long ago that included a lot of traveling out on the land and camping compared to nowadays, where she says they just stay inside sitting in the houses with little to do and…
Andy Cockney is storytelling about his hunting and trapping days and travels from when he was a teenager followed by Laura Kangegana who is sharing memories and telling stories from when she was a young girl. Bert also interviews Laura about their…
Frank Kuptana is storytelling about the way of life long ago with fishing, hunting seals, caribou, and polar bears, traditional clothing that was made, the clean snow houses that were made, the traditional food, homemade storage containers for the…
Elder Amos Tumma is telling old time stories about a widow and her two sons, about some of his uncles, warriors, no animal parts wasted, harvested food prepared and stored to last all year long, a giant killer mouse, life prior to White peoples…