Annie Emaghok is sharing a story that her mother told her of the very challenging times that she has endured long ago as well as stories from when she was young. After a short period of silence, Betty Cockney’s storytelling was already in progress…
Murielle Nagy and Agnes White continue interviewing Sarah Kuptana and Edith Haogak about their lifestyles and stories from their younger days followed by an interview with Andy Carpenter about his lifestyle, stories, and memories from his younger…
Shirley Elias continues interviewing Frank Kuptana about his lifestyle from his younger days and Frank continues sharing memories from long ago. Frank also speaks of the many changes in the Inuvialuit lifestyle compared to years past. Final part…
Joe Nasogaluak is storytelling a story that was already in progress about Caucasion bowhead whale hunters and more Caucasion people arriving, and about the many ways that Inuvialuit ways of life have changed since then.
Bessie Lennie is telling a stories about her family and the way they lived long ago with her family and older sister's family, the Kuptanas, of their travels, of when caribou was hunted for food, for caribou skins, for sinew, of when they were hiking…
Mary Kailek is storytelling of her many travels, of various people, of the types of animals harvested, of her concerns of the new wildlife officer’s regulations and governance during that era, clothing and other items made from animal skins, of…
Frank Cockney continues his final conversations with Freeman Kimiksana about past lifestyles and present lifestyle and cultural changes including traditional education versus modern education and employment, along with new government laws and hunting…
Elder Buster Kailek is sharing more memories of long ago and of how they lived, of reindeer herding, of lifestyle changes, as well as of when Inuvik was just starting up, and more. Part 3. To be continued.