Alice Agnaoyak is reminiscing of the fun nomadic lifestyle they used to live long ago that included a lot of traveling out on the land and camping compared to nowadays, where she says they just stay inside sitting in the houses with little to do and…
Bessie Lennie is telling a stories about her family and the way they lived long ago with her family and older sister's family, the Kuptanas, of their travels, of when caribou was hunted for food, for caribou skins, for sinew, of when they were hiking…
Kenneth Peeloolook is storytelling about their travels from Alaska in making their way towards Canada where they had planned to move to the Mackenzie Delta in the Northwest Territories. He shares about their journey, hunting, trapping, fishing, and…
Kenneth Peeloolook continues his storytelling about their travels from Alaska in making their way towards Canada where they had planned to move to the Mackenzie Delta in the Northwest Territories. He shares about their journey, hunting, trapping,…
Kenneth Peeloolok continues his storytelling of he and his family’s travels and adventures when making their journey to Canada from Alaska, Part 4. To be continued.
Kenneth Peeloolook continues his storytelling from 1902 and 1921, of their travels, adventures, caribou hunting experiences, drumming, singing, and dancing, arrival of the White Bowhead Whalers, along with alcohol, mining, employment, and much more, …