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Subject is exactly "Boats"
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Whale Camp
A photo of Paula Luzie (left) and Effie Rogers (right) at Baby Island (Whale Camp) standing on the beach with a boat in the water behind them.
Elizabeth Kimiksana
A photo of Elizabeth Kimiksana standing by a tipi.
Group of Captains
A photo of a group of men wearing captain hats on a boat.
Boat by St. Roch
A photo of a boat in the water near St. Roch Island.
Traveling on the Boat
A photo of Bob Cockney (far left), Walter Avilurtuq (B. Cockney's son), Sgt. Mackuson, Const. McKensie (?) standing on a boat.
Holding on to a Rope
A photo of two individuals standing on a boat, with one of them holding on to a rope.
Kendall Island
A photo of a few wooden structures and a few boats at Kendall Island.
Kendall Island People
A photo of people from Kendall Island gathered around a few tents, along with some buildings in the distance.
A photo of buildings in Aklavik.
Aklavik Husky Schooners
A photo of a few Aklavik Husky Schooners on the river and the shore.
Angus and Mary Elias
A photo of Angus and Mary Elias standing on a boat.
Captain of the Ship
A photo of a man who might have been the captain of the Polar Bear.
Ship Called Polar Bear
A photo of two men, wearing traditional clothes, on a boat called the Polar Bear.
Four Men
A photo of four men standing on a boat. Credit: Martha Harry
Boats and Tents
The image shows a summer camp that is made up of a few tents and a log cabin. We can also see that the shore is full of boats. Credit: Martha Harry
The image shows a boat called “Itiyaq” surround by ice on the river during spring time. Garret Nutik stands on the boat. Credit: Martha Harry
Standing on a Boat
A photo of people standing on a boat getting their photo taken. Credit: Martha Harry
Two Boats
The image shows two boats with varies people standing on them, getting the boat ready to leave. Standing Noel Ikarsaq, Left to Right: Tom Elanik, Tom's Wife, Mary Harley(?) and her husband Credit: Martha Harry
Kiugaluk being bulit
A photo of the schooner “Kiugaluk”being built. Credit: Martha Harry
Tom Elanik
A photo of Tom Elanik standing in a boat on the river. Credit: Martha Harry
Elijah Harley Kotok and Mary Kotok
A photo of Elijah Harley Kotok and Mary Kotok either on a boat or on the side of the river getting their photo taken. Credit: Martha Harry
Jesse Ughook family
A photo of unidentified people on boat. Jesse Ughook family, one child is Mary Darling. Credit: Martha Harry
A photo of Simon Arnaktuk's Boat called the Credit: Martha Harry
Beluga Whales
A photo of a few boats that have just returned from Hunting Beluga Whales and are unloading there catch. Credit: Martha Harry
The image shows the steamboat: Credit: Martha Harry
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