Frank Cockney is interviewing Freeman Kimiksana about Inuvialuit nomadic seasonal lifestyle long ago, including discussions on schooners, the various storekeepers, about hunting, and the fun large gatherings of games and dancing. The recording…
Frank Cockney is interviewing Freeman Kimiksana about his hunting and trapping traditional lifestyle when he was younger. They also discuss the healthy active lifestyle long ago compared to today’s spoiled lifestyle working for wages for the oil…
Frank Cockney continues interviewing Freeman Kimiksana about their traditional lifestyle long ago during the 1930’s to 1950’s era. Audio ends abruptly. Part 5A. To be continued.
Frank Cockney, aged 54 at the time of his storytelling is sharing his life stories for the future generations to hear and understand, of returning to the Dewline, of their homes, of his sons and daughters, of passing on his traditional knowledge to…
Frank Cockney is storytelling of when he was a young man and newly married, of his dogs and dog team, of hunting and trapping stories, of Mangilaauk passing away, and more. Note: Unidentified singer/speaker around the 25 minute mark. Part 7 and 8. …