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  • Subject is exactly "Travel"
Persis Gruben is sharing stories of the many changes she has witnessed in her life such as living a nomadic lifestyle out on the land to community permanent living, prior to European contact such as: the fast skidoos, of languages, of the…
Persis Gruben is storytelling of her younger days, of a time when she didn’t see alcoholism amongst the people, of a fire where her family lost everything, of how people have changed and are not like how they were long ago: when people used to help…
A Long Time Ago host Ishmael Alunik airs Aklavik Elder Hope Gordon storytelling about where and how they lived in Alaska, Part 4.
A Long Time Ago host Ishmael Alunik airs Aklavik Elder Hope Gordon storytelling about where and how they lived in Alaska, Part 3 to be continued.
A Long Time Ago host Ishmael Alunik airs Aklavik Elder Hope Gordon storytelling about where and how they lived in Alaska, Part 2. To be continued.
CHAK’s A Long Time Ago host Louie Goose introduces Jim Wolki and Father Le Meur where Jim is telling the final part six of The Long Crossing story. Father Le Meur then interviews Jim about his successful trapping days when he was younger.
CHAK’s A Long Time Ago host Louie Goose introduces Jim Wolki and Father Le Meur where Jim is telling part five of The Long Crossing story in English. To be continued.
Host Frank Cockney speaks with Aklavik Elders Archie Erigaktuk (Ir̂igaaktuk), Mary Archie, Dora Malegana and Johnny Malegana (Maligiana) who are speaking to and sending greetings to family and friends on the Inuit Program.
Aklavik, N.T. Elder Tom Elanik is storytelling about when he and some of his relatives were on a mining trip when one of the men suddenly passed away.
A Long Time Ago host Ishmael Alunik airs Elder Donald Ir̂ituagayuk Kaglik storytelling. Donald is telling a legend about a man named Nuki who helps a community get rid of shaman wolf leaders and now his uncle advises him to travel back home and deal…
Frank Cockney is giving a COPE report about the national meeting he and two others attended in Toronto, Ontario.
Michael Amos is storytelling about when he was travelling on the land with his dog team, and the challenges he over came, until he made it back home safely on the A Long Time Ago program hosted by John Holman.
Michael Amos is storytelling about when he and others were hauling freight to Ulukhaktok N.T. from Tuktoyaktuk, of their challenges, close call experiences during their boating journey, and stops along the way, on the A Long Time Ago program hosted…
Long Time Ago host, Ishmael Alunik is telling historical stories of the Inupiat and the Inuvialuit who lived and traveled along the Yukon North Slope prior to European contact and after contact and prior to written maps and modern borders of today.
Long Time Ago host,Ishmael Alunik is telling stories about the numerous Inupiat and the Inuvialuit cultural and traditional knowledge teachings passed on generationally to the young.
Long Time Ago host Ishmael Alunik is telling stories of his family’s traditional knowledge teachings after residential school living, of his travels, and more personal stories.
Long Time Ago host Ishmael Alunik is telling a story of being born and raised in the Yukon near the Alaskan border before moving to the Mackenzie Delta.
Long Time Ago host Ishmael Alunik is storytelling of when he was young and of the vast amount of traditional knowledge taught to him by his parents and grandparents.
Saturday Eskimo Request Show host Victor Allen airs Donald Kaglik singing a song about the Mad Trapper followed by Betty Cockney sending greetings. Felix Nuyaviaq is describing his trip to Anchorage, Alaska, and Donald Kaglik is speaking about how…
Long Time Ago Host Ishmael Alunik airs recorded stories told by Inuvik Elders Ida Aleekuk and Rhoda Allen who are sharing stories from their younger days.
Host of The People Speak Inuit, Rosie Albert is providing news in the beginning then in between speakers, followed by John Ruben who is telling old time stories. (The audio is very bad and cuts in and out when John is speaking). Allen Soosuk is…
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